fit multiple values into specific value (combinations?)



This one is kinda hard to descibe. I have a list of multiple values. I need
a way to display the correct combinations of the values, each in a different
series, where the sum of each series is between x and y. :S

Two example scenarios:

I have some files that are of various sizes. I want to backup to a floppy,
cd, thumbdrives, etc... To minimize wasted space, which files to copy to
disk 1, disk 2, etc...

I have some CAT6 cable that comes in 500' or 1000' spools. I have multiple
cable drops in various lengths. To minimize cable waste, how many spools and
which runs from which spool.

Is this too complicated for excel?

410 405 375
380 405 375
410 300 375
310 300 375
310 300 375
340 300 375
375 332 250
375 332 250
410 332

Which combination of these lengths will maximize the use of a spool of 1000'
and how many spools would i need?


Dana DeLouis

One approach that sometimes work is to run Solver in a vba loop.
After each solution, the program removes that solution from the data, are
runs Solver again.
For your 2nd example, the first pass picked 250,340, & 410, for 1,000 (0
The Second loop picked 250,375,375, again for 0 waste...loop again...etc.


The data you show looks like this would work perfectly. However I am not
familiar with this Solver function. What formula do i place in the Target
Cell and I assume that the "by changing these cells" should be my list of


Dana DeLouis

I have some CAT6 cable that comes in 500' or 1000' spools.
Hi Travis. Did you ever find a solution to your cable length problem?
Search the Excel groups here for using Solver. What you are looking for is
the setting of constraints to either "Integer" or "Binary," and the use of
Here are some observations on your problem:
Your data is re-listed below.
One problem with cutting stock problems is that one technique usually
requires "another program" to generate all feasible cut patterns.
I slightly modified one I already had, and it generated 76 possible
This is usually the hard part, and there are all kinds of techniques. There
is even an advanced technique for generating patterns that looks at Solver's
solution report, adds a pattern from the report, and loop again until a
certain condition in the answer report is meet. This generates a smaller
list of possible patterns. It works pretty well in Solver. However...

For example, my pattern #1 was to cut (250,250,300) with waste of 200.
# 46 (300,310,380) [10 waste]
# 34 (250,340,410) [0 waste]
#35 (250,375,375) [0 waste]
#54 (310,310,380) [0 waste]
# 68 (250, 250) [0 waste from 500' length]

Now, you use Solver to pick the number of each pattern to use that meets
your constraints.

Another problem you have, that may not be apparent, is that you have
multiple solutions.
You can have solutions that use 500' lengths, and some solutions that do not
use 500' lengths.

This brings up another problem.
There is no cost mentioned for either 500 or 1000'.
Sometimes it is cheaper to buy 1000 lengths, vs 500 lengths. (bulk
On the other hand, it may be more expensive to buy 1000 lengths. (more
expensive to make, more expensive to ship/store, may need a bigger
truck, .etc)
(a 100 inch plasma tv costs more than two 50-inch plasma tv concept)

We first note that the total length you need is 9,076.
One step would be to see if you can re-wire your project down by 76' to
We see that the best case is to buy 10 items.(9-1000, 1-500)
When we look at the rest of the required cut lengths, we get a feel that we
will need at best 10 items, with about 700-1000 feet of waste.

Here are 3 runs to show different situations.
All have total waste of 924.

#1. (No 500 ft)

(250,375,375) (2 of these)
(375,410) (3 of these)

#2 (Use a 500 ft length, again with 924 waste)

(250,375,375) ( 2 of these)
(375,405) (2 of these)
(410) (2 of these from 500 length)

#3. This next one is an interesting technique that gives the same waste as
those above.
In the above 2 examples, the remaining pieces are relatively small, and not
When we know we have waste, sometimes it may be better to "maximize" the
size of a wasted piece. This allows us to have an extra piece available
should the need arise.
Why not, since the waste is the same anyway.
But, it all depends on the cost ratio of 500 vs 1000.
Here, we use 2-500 ft blocks. Out cut pattern below leaves us with 1 extra
250 ft piece which we could use in this project, another project, or sell.

250,375,375) (2 of these)
(375,410) (2 of these)
(405) (2 of these from 500')

In addition, it may be better to pay "a little more" and have an extra 410
piece available that can be further cut to any of the other sizes.

Here is your date requirements re-written and sorted:


Anyway, I hope I copied everything correctly, and that this gives some
"feel" to the problem.

As far as the problem of maximizing file space for storage, I don't think
Solver is the way to go.
The number of files is usually too large for Solver. The best routine is
probably to do the best you can, and then use smaller files to "fill in" any
remaining disk space.

HTH :>)
Dana DeLouis
Windows XP & Office 2007


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