Firefox Problems and Host



I am about to launch a site using Ajax, ASP, SQL (Built using
SQLExpress) & Client side javascript.
I have the following uncertainties:

1) My page is a mess in Firefox having been written using Vis Studio
2000. Things like img buttons are not rendered at all, sizing is all
wrong and javascript from scriptaculous doesn't function- I dont know
where to begin to fix this.

2) Is a reasonable host for the above site specs?-
there is so much 'independent' talk I dont really know what to think.
For the first few months of the site I need to find my feet and etc.
If I register a domain name with these guys do I become the actual
owner of the domain (I heard once that some organisations 'hold' the
domain for you (and can sell it if they wish)?

Simon Smith


Can't really answer part 1 as I used Express 2003 and had no problems.

As for part 2:-
Do you have a good Internet connection? ADSL or cable? and a spare PC.
If so why don't you host the site your self. Do a search for Abyss Web
Server. I have a set-up running PHP, ASP.NET, SQL & HTML. If you only
run a single site then the software is free. The support is excellent
and the forum is very informative. I went from download to running an
ASP.NET site with PHP discussion forum in under two hours.
As for domain names. Following discussions with Nominet (UK domain name
controller) the only people that 'own' domain names are Nominet (for
UK). What happens is that you rent the domain from a provider
( for example). Unless you use an unscrupulous provider you
and they have a legal contract for the rental period (typically 2 years)
Then you will always have first refusal to renew. If you have any doubt
contact Nominet (or the equivalent in your country) to check. They were
very helpful for me.




Thanks Simon for your informative reply. Unfortunately I dont have a
spare PC at mo- nor a 100% reliable connection so hosting my own site
is out.

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