Finding the CI in t-test analysis



Is there a way to get the confidence interval on the worksheet for t-Test:
Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances?

Mike Middleton

Dahliah2 -
Is there a way to get the confidence interval on the worksheet for t-Test:
Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances? <

A method is described on page 132 of my book, Data Analysis Using MS Excel:
Updated for Office XP.

It uses the results from Analysis ToolPak on a worksheet, working
"backwards" from the reported t Stat to get the Standard Error. Use cells
and cell references for the following six quantities:

Observed Mean Difference = Mean2 - Mean1 (using references to cells in the
ToolPak results in the row labeled "Mean")
Standard Error = (Observed Mean Difference - Hypothesized Mean
Difference)/(t Stat)
95% Confidence t =TINV(0.05,df)
Half-Width = (95% Confidence t)*(Standard Error)
Lower Limit = Observed Mean Difference - Half-Width
Upper Limit = Observed Mean Difference + Half-Width

- Mike

Jerry W. Lewis

The trick with unequal variances is how to calculate standard error and
evaluate df. This is discussed at

This (Satterthwaite's) formula for effective df usually results in
non-integer df. The Analysis ToolPak uses ROUNDDOWN(df,0), which is a
conservative approximation.

The TTEST worksheet function uses the estimated df directly, but that
too takes some work since the TDIST function only uses integer df. t^2
is distributed as F(1,df), but FDIST also only uses integer df. You can
use the identity
FDIST(f,d1,d2) = BETADIST(d2/(d2+d1*f),d2/2,d1/2)
which reduces in this case to
TDIST(t,df) = BETADIST(df/(df+t^2),df/2,0.5)
to reproduce the p-value given by TTEST, which will be smaller than the
p-value given by ATP.

Working backward, to get a confidence interval you would use
TINV(alpha,df) =
to deal with the non-integer df.


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