Finding duplicate filess


Ron O'Brien

Is there a way of searching for duplicated files within Vista Premium?

I have a second hard drive which I have just installed that contains nothing
but photographs, over the years I have copied then into different folders
for various reasons/purposes and now find myself with several copies of the
same photo in various folders and sub-folders (yes, I know I shouldn't be so
untidy!). So I need a way of getting windows to search for files duplicates
so I can start the tidy-up and free half my disk space!!


Is there a way of searching for duplicated files within Vista Premium?

I have a second hard drive which I have just installed that contains
nothing but photographs, over the years I have copied then into
different folders for various reasons/purposes and now find myself
with several copies of the same photo in various folders and
sub-folders (yes, I know I shouldn't be so untidy!). So I need a way
of getting windows to search for files duplicates so I can start the
tidy-up and free half my disk space!!

There are specialized programs that do this, some are free and some are
shareware.. a fast google search with keywords "duplicate image finder"
gave me these


Yes but it is time consuming.

Something off the top of my head but you can improve on it. It has nothing
to do with Vista. You open the command prompt and make a CD C:\myImageFiles\
directory. Obviously it is just a made up example. When you get there you
type in something like this:

Copy *.* D:\myImageFiles\*.*

In response you will get a prompt. The emulation DOS will ask you if you
want to replace the duplicate files. the options will be: Y/N/All. Type A
for All. You can use lower case also.

What will follow is that ALL files from the first directory will be copied
to the next directory. Thus you will be assured that the second directory is
a total redundancy. DELETE all files in the second directory by using del
*.* (at this stage Vista may show its personality by asking you to confirm
your identity), then remove directory from the directory on n-1 level by
using rmdir myImageFiles command and go to the next directory.

It might take you a bit of time but it is doable.

Now, if your tiding up includes deleting discriminately unwanted files this
is another matter. This also can be done with a method like this but it is
much more complicated.


I am sorry, that statement: "make a CD C:..." does not mean that you have to
MAKE a directory. It is just a command you will have to use.

You type in

cd C:\myImageFiless and do carriage return and this will place you into that
"current directory"

AlexB said:
Yes but it is time consuming.

Something off the top of my head but you can improve on it. It has nothing
to do with Vista. You open the command prompt and make a CD
C:\myImageFiles\ directory. Obviously it is just a made up example. When
you get there you type in something like this:

Copy *.* D:\myImageFiles\*.*

In response you will get a prompt. The emulation DOS will ask you if you
want to replace the duplicate files. the options will be: Y/N/All. Type A
for All. You can use lower case also.

What will follow is that ALL files from the first directory will be copied
to the next directory. Thus you will be assured that the second directory
is a total redundancy. DELETE all files in the second directory by using
del *.* (at this stage Vista may show its personality by asking you to
confirm your identity), then remove directory from the directory on n-1
level by using rmdir myImageFiles command and go to the next directory.

It might take you a bit of time but it is doable.

Now, if your tiding up includes deleting discriminately unwanted files
this is another matter. This also can be done with a method like this but
it is much more complicated.


I am wondering how many of these good samaritans are actually owners of the
software they recommend?


Yep, again my question is: how many of you guys give this advice because it
benefits your pocketbook?

It looks like there is an acute competition for suc*kers.


Another correction:

Unfortunately I might have sent you on a dangerous path. in that scenario I
outlined so carelessly. You should remove the *first* directory, not the
*second* one, because the second directory will not be identical to the
first directory but it will contain all the files that the first directory

When you do such things, take a deep breath, think carefully, triple check
everything and then remove directories.

I may still be goofing up somewhere but it is DOABLE without their magic

AlexB said:
Yes but it is time consuming.

Something off the top of my head but you can improve on it. It has nothing
to do with Vista. You open the command prompt and make a CD
C:\myImageFiles\ directory. Obviously it is just a made up example. When
you get there you type in something like this:

Copy *.* D:\myImageFiles\*.*

In response you will get a prompt. The emulation DOS will ask you if you
want to replace the duplicate files. the options will be: Y/N/All. Type A
for All. You can use lower case also.

What will follow is that ALL files from the first directory will be copied
to the next directory. Thus you will be assured that the second directory
is a total redundancy. DELETE all files in the second directory by using
del *.* (at this stage Vista may show its personality by asking you to
confirm your identity), then remove directory from the directory on n-1
level by using rmdir myImageFiles command and go to the next directory.

It might take you a bit of time but it is doable.

Now, if your tiding up includes deleting discriminately unwanted files
this is another matter. This also can be done with a method like this but
it is much more complicated.

Emil Lulic

I'm not a "good Samaritan" as you said (but you were right, I don't have the
software I recommended, because I'm tidy =D)! Of course you should realize,
that all advise here if "as is", and you should be careful with what you
follow, or what you suggest. If someone would post a question: "How do I
remove Vista?" wouldn't you answer it, just because you think it's bad to
"remove Vista"? I would, and I would let everybody do as they will with
their computer, at least they will have a clue as to HOW! I think, that Ron
O'Brien got enough alternative programs and procedures, to remove his
duplicate files, JOB DONE! We should be happy!!!
I really don't want to insult anyone, please keep that in mind when reading
this post... Thank you!

Emil Lulic


I just wanted to show that there is a SIMPLE way to do it and if he just
wants to get rid of duplicates this is the way to go.

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