Finding dates within a date range



I have a column in a spreadsheet that consists of dates in dd/mm/yyyy format.
I'm trying to write a formula that looks at the dates by row in the colum
and if the date falls within a certain range (eg from 01/04/2004 to
01/06/2004) then I want to sum the values in another column. I've worked out
that I need to use the sumif function but I can't work out how to analyse the
date range.

How do I tell the function to look at the dates in the column and if they
are within a certain range to sum the values in another column. As I said,
I'm pretty sure I need to use the sumif function - I just can't work out how
to specify that only dates within a certain period should be chosen.

Can any body help me work this out?

Please accept my apologies for posting this question in two groups. I only
found the excel worksheet functions group after I had posted in the excel
general questions group.

Thanks in advance.


Ron Rosenfeld

I have a column in a spreadsheet that consists of dates in dd/mm/yyyy format.
I'm trying to write a formula that looks at the dates by row in the colum
and if the date falls within a certain range (eg from 01/04/2004 to
01/06/2004) then I want to sum the values in another column. I've worked out
that I need to use the sumif function but I can't work out how to analyse the
date range.

How do I tell the function to look at the dates in the column and if they
are within a certain range to sum the values in another column. As I said,
I'm pretty sure I need to use the sumif function - I just can't work out how
to specify that only dates within a certain period should be chosen.

Can any body help me work this out?

Please accept my apologies for posting this question in two groups. I only
found the excel worksheet functions group after I had posted in the excel
general questions group.

Thanks in advance.


See answer in .programming NG



Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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