finding date difference



I have a Column which contains different dates more than 1000 records
I have to find the Date difference as on for a specific day (assume
=today()) .

The answer should return how much years, months and days have
passed since then.
example :- I am born on 10/04/1983 and today is 15/10/2008 . I want to
know how
many years, months and days have passed since my birthday(without
auxiliary columns).

and something else if my reader knows any good document on how to use
datediff in excel please tell me the link!

Any help appreciated

Mike H



=DATEDIF(A1,NOW(),"y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(A1,NOW(),"ym") & " months, " &
DATEDIF(A1,NOW(),"md") & " days"

have a look here for datedif but this doesn't document a flaw in the
function that can give incorrect results. For example try

1 March 2006
31 January 1988
=17 years, 1 months, -2 days


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