Finding averages


Mike H


Copy your table then in another location
Edit|Paste Special values
Copy the sum (52). Select all the cells in the table then
Edit|Paste special
Select divide and click OK
While the cells are still selected format as a percentage.

I don't get the same answers as you, my table ends up looking like this
0 1 3 5 7 9
A 0.00% 1.92% 1.92% 3.85% 5.77% 1.92%
T 0.00% 0.00% 3.85% 3.85% 1.92% 0.00%
E 3.85% 3.85% 3.85% 5.77% 5.77% 7.69%

I only pasted half the table to prevent linewrap.



pretty slick
actually I'd like to create a UDF that returned the percentage value
on a new sheet.
and then move down to the next group, do the same until there wasn'y
any groups left on the first sheet.

so cell on a second sheet would contain =FindPert()

Function FindPert()
'Select Next Range from Sheet1
'Find Total Counts excluding header row and column and store in
'Return Rounded Result
End Function

(new google spreadsheet as example)

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