Finding a specific item between two sheets.


Dan C.

I am trying to figure out a formula where I can take 1 cell from Sheet #2,
and search for that same number on sheet number three, in the B column. I
would also like to make the two results automatically be put into words. If
found it would say On Property as of Dec., if it's not found it would say Not
on Property.


I need cell B2's number which is 893210 from Sheet #2 to be searched for on
Sheet #3's B Column. If it is in Column B Sheet #3, I would like it to
display: On Property as of Dec. If it is not in Columb B Sheet #3, I would
liek it to display: Not on Property.

(when I say sheets I do not mean from one excel file to another, I am
referring to the tabbed sheets from one single excel file).

I appriciate all help on this matter as I have been fiddling with this for
what seems like days and I cannot figure it out, if it is even possible.


Put this in C2 of Sheet2:

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(B2,Sheet3!B:B,0)),"Not on Property","On Property as of

Copy it down as required.

Hope this helps.


Dave Curtis

Hi Dan,

Not sure how to manage the second part of your problem, but for the first
part, but the following in C2 of Sheet 2

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet3!B2:B7,1,FALSE)),"Not on property","On property as
of Dec")

will give you the lookup.
Not sure how you would change the two cells without VBA, as one changed, the
lookup would no longer work.


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