FindControl in GridView


Bruno Alexandre

Hi guys,

I have this code:

Dim gv As GridViewRow
Dim str As String = ""
Dim dd As DropDownList

For Each gv In gvItems.Rows
If gv.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
str &= gv.RowType.ToString & "<br/>"
dd = CType(gvItems.FindControl("dd1"), DropDownList)
If dd IsNot Nothing Then
str &= "found"
End If
End If

and I can't get into str &= "found"
it doesn't find the control... What I'm doing wrong? the control is showed
in the page! and has the id = "dd1"

Any help?... please.


surely this line:

dd = CType(gvItems.FindControl("dd1"), DropDownList)

should read

dd = CType(gv.FindControl("dd1"), DropDownList)

If you want it to look for the control dd1 on each row in the loop.

Bruno Alexandre

got that 2 seconds after post the message, but still wont work, then I tried
again (for the 100th time) search the internet finding a solution and here
it is:

Dim gv As GridViewRow
Dim str As String = ""

For Each gv In gvItems.Rows
If gv.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Dim dropDownListText As String = CType(gv.FindControl("qty"),
Dim CheckBoxChecked As Boolean = CType(gv.FindControl("rem"),
If CheckBoxChecked Then
str &= dropDownListText & "<br/>"
End If
End If

I dont know why, but I need to change the names :-(

But now it works perfectly :) ... I'm so happy!!! it took me 2 days to get
an answer :-/
but know I can help other with the same question ;-)

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