Find Files or Folders broken


Dave Kolars

Well, I was looking for a file so opened up the "Search for Files or
Folders" box and typed in the name of the file... I knew that it existed
(it's my Eudora e-mail program filters file), so after about a minute of
searching all the hard drives, Win XP comes back with "Search complete.
There are no results to display." Harumph... So, I hunted the old fashioned
way, using my shell program, and finally found the file. So, now that I
knew where it was located, I had XP search only the C: drive, where the file
was located. Again, it can't find it! I DO have the message that "Indexing
Service has finished building an index of all the files on your local hard
disks and is monitoring changes." So, supposedly, XP has indexed everything
and knows where all the files are. But, it can't find one that I know
exists... I'm not asking it to be case sensitive, and am searching system
folders, hidden files and folders, and Sub folders.

Anybody else encountered this behavior? Not a big deal, as I don't use it
that often, but would be nice if it worked that way that it was supposed
to!! Running XP SP 1... TIA

Dave Kolars

Nope , no help there -- I've already clicked the Advanced Options and as I
originally stated:
"I'm not asking it to be case sensitive, and am searching
system folders, hidden files and folders, and
Sub folders."

I even drilled down to the subdirectory where this file is, and did a search
and XP STILL couldn't find it! Plus, the file's options are set to allow
indexing, it's not hidden, it's not read-only, etc. It's totally available!
Except to the XP Find Files or Folders program!! DK

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