Find email address in text file using vba



I need to find email address in a text file (c:\File.txt). The file is not
delimited, but all email addresses have "@" in them. How can I find the email
address (there would be only one per file, but there are other words in the
file), and then pass it to strEmail = "The found email address".


- Steve

John Nurick

Hi Steve,

The simplest way is to read the text file into a string variable and
then use a regular expression to find and extract the email address.

This will work fine for "ordinary" email addresses that look like
(e-mail address removed). (Things are *much* more
complicated if you need to find any syntactically valid email address
rather than just this common form.)

The FileContents() and rgxExtract() functions here
will do most of the work. There's also a link on that page to
information about regular expressions.

There are some regular expressions for matching email addresses at



Thanks for the code.

I have it in the modules, but am getting "Invalid use of Null" This is the
code I have:

Private Sub Command35_Click()

Dim strEmail As String
Dim strExtract As String
Dim strContent As Variant

strContent = FileContents("e:\rep_temp.txt", False, 1)
strExtract = rgxExtract(strContent,
strEmail = strExtract

olSendRpt strEmail, "Please see registration information below." & vbCrLf,
"Registration", "Registration"

End Sub

The file "e:\rep_temp.txt" has many words and dashes and then an email
address somewhere in the file. I am trying to extract that email address and
place in the strEmail part of the olSendRpt function.

Thanks again.

- Steve

John Nurick


It's midnight, so this is a bit sketchy. One thing that seems wrong is
your passing 1 as the optional third argument to FileContents(). This
needs to be a variable declared as a Long and FileContents() uses it to
return an error code if FileContents() doesn't run successfully.
Simplest to omit it.

Next: the Invalid Use Of Null error often results from an attempt to
assign a Null value to a String variable. Both FileContents() and
rgxExtract return Variants which normally contain strings but may be
Null (e.g. if the file can't be found or if rgxExtract doesn't find a
matching string).

Last: the regex you use begins with ^ - signalling the beginning of the
string - and ends with $ - signalling the end of the string.
Consequently it will only match if the string contains nothing but an
email address. Try omitting these two characters.


Thanks for the code.

I have it in the modules, but am getting "Invalid use of Null" This is the
code I have:

Private Sub Command35_Click()

Dim strEmail As String
Dim strExtract As String
Dim strContent As Variant

strContent = FileContents("e:\rep_temp.txt", False, 1)
strExtract = rgxExtract(strContent,
strEmail = strExtract

olSendRpt strEmail, "Please see registration information below." & vbCrLf,
"Registration", "Registration"

End Sub

The file "e:\rep_temp.txt" has many words and dashes and then an email
address somewhere in the file. I am trying to extract that email address and
place in the strEmail part of the olSendRpt function.

Thanks again.

- Steve

John Nurick said:
Hi Steve,

The simplest way is to read the text file into a string variable and
then use a regular expression to find and extract the email address.

This will work fine for "ordinary" email addresses that look like
(e-mail address removed). (Things are *much* more
complicated if you need to find any syntactically valid email address
rather than just this common form.)

The FileContents() and rgxExtract() functions here
will do most of the work. There's also a link on that page to
information about regular expressions.

There are some regular expressions for matching email addresses at

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