Find differences between two tables


Mads Westen


I'm quite the Access newbie.
I have two tables with almost the same rows.
I need to compare the two tables, and extract the differences into a new
table. How do I do that?

Best regards

Rick B

You can use the query wizard to create an "unmatched" query. I would not,
however, make a new table out of it. I would use the query results as my
record source for reports, forms, etc.

I would be curious as to why you have two tables that are so similar. You
might want to share a bit more details with us. Typically, when you have
two very similar tables, your data structure is flawed. This is especially
true if you are trying to find the unique items from each table and use them
in a new report/form/query. That tells me that these tables contain the
same type of items. This is normally accomplished by creating one table and
adding a field or two to distinguish the records.

For example, let's say you have prospects that can later become clients.
This is still one table. A "client" checkbox could be added to distinguish
between prospects, and those who have actually purchased items from you.
You could then use that new field to limit your forms, report, queries, and
even drop-down comb-boxes to only include prospects, or only include

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