Find cell for today


Jake F

I'm trying to code a button on my calendar spreadsheet to find the cell for
today. My dates are functions from one cell g10 = 1/1/2009, g11 = g10+1,g12
= g11+1... and so on. The value for my what part is =today(). I'm not sure
if it's the range values being functions or the value looking for being
=today() that is messing it up or something else. I just want to have the
button find the cell in that range that equals the date. Here's my code that
I was trying to use. Thanks.

Dim FindCell As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set FindCell = .Range("g11:g2000").Find(what:=.Range("n1"))
If FindCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Not found"
End If
End With

Gord Dibben

Dim FindCell As Range
Dim mydate As Date
mydate = Date
With ActiveSheet
Set FindCell = .Range("g11:g2000").Find(what:=mydate)
If FindCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Not found"
End If
End With

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Rick Rothstein

Given the structure of your data, you should be able to use this single
statement to activate the cell you want...

Range("G" & (10 + Date - Range("G10").Value)).Select

Rick Rothstein

Actually, this is probably a better single line statement version than my
previous posting...

Range("G10").Offset(Date - Range("G10").Value).Select

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