find and replace



By default the find and replace comment searches for formulas by row.
How do I change the default to search by value and column?


In the "Find & Replace" dialog window, don't you see an "Options" button?


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

By default the find and replace comment searches for formulas by row.
How do I change the default to search by value and column?


yes, that is what I am trying to change
by default the options are set to formula and row, I would like to change
the default but do not see how


Have you tried expanding the criteria choices by clicking on the small down
arrows on the right corner of the box?


yes-- that only changes the settings for one use. The next time you open the
excel application, it reverts back to the original defaults.


OH! ... That's what you're looking for.

I can't help you there, except to suggest recording a macro when you do it
once, and then activate it on subsequent replaces.

You might post to the programming group for some code.


can anyone else help

Ragdyer said:
OH! ... That's what you're looking for.

I can't help you there, except to suggest recording a macro when you do it
once, and then activate it on subsequent replaces.

You might post to the programming group for some code.

Dave Peterson

Saved from a previous post:

Excel tries to help by remembering the last settings you used--except for the
first search in that session.

You can use that to your advantage.

You could make a dummy workbook and put it in your xlStart folder. Have a
macro in that workbook that does a find (and sets all the stuff the way you
like). Then closes and gets out of the way.

Option Explicit
Sub auto_open()

Worksheets("sheet1").Cells.Find What:="", After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False

ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False

End Sub

The workbook opens, does a find (to fix your settings) and then closes to get
out of the way.

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

But if you do an Edit|Find and change anything, then those changed settings will
be remembered.

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