Find and Replace



Ok, first off I just want to say thanks for all the help i have recieved
here. Every question I have asked i have gotten a great answer and it worked.
So i really do appreciate it.

To my question. I am trying to do a Find and Replace function: here is the

<b class="more-info-title">Starring: </b>Danny Aiello, Glenne Headly, Jeff
Daniels, James Spader, Greg Cruttwell, Teri Hatcher, Peter Horton, Marsha
Mason, Paul Mazursky, Eric Stoltz<br><b class="more-info-title">Release Date:
</b>2/3/2004<br><b class="more-info-title">Director: </b>John Herzfeld <br><b
class="more-info-title">Rating: </b>R<br><b class="more-info-title">Runtime:
</b>105 Minutes<br><b class="more-info-title">Note: </b>
class="more-info-title">Overview: </b><br><br>What do a cold-hearted killer,
a crook who cooks, a drop-dead blonde, and two undercover cops have in
common? Some of them are looking for sex. Some of them are looking for money.
Some of them are just looking to stay alive. but all of them are looking to
get out of the valley and they've got just two days to do it.<br>

I am trying to find "<b class="more-info-title">Overview: </b><br><br>" and
replace it to this "<b><b class="more-info-title">Overview: </b><br>" but
with my datebases of 43,000 + cells, that this will be replacing it gets
through 26 cells then i get an error that says "Formula is too Long" is
there another way to make it continue to run or is there another way to do
that? Thanks again for any help you could provide?

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