filtering with dataviewmanager



I have a DataViewManager created from a DataSet that had 2 tables and a



All customer and their associated order records are in these tables, I am
being passed a string that could look like any of the following,

"CustomerID = '100'"
"CustomerID = '50' AND OrderDate = '1/1/2002'"
"OrderTotalAmount > '1000.00'"

and I am trying to find the best way to filter the data, then loop through
it so I can return it to the calling app, in a custom format.
Is the DataViewManager the best way to deal with this?

---All suggestions and sample code appreciated.

Hussein Abuthuraya[MSFT]

You need to create a DataView object and set its Filter property to the
string that you have. The data that will show in the DataView object will
be the criteria matched rows.

da1 = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Customers", myConnection)
da2 = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from orders", myConnection)
da1.Fill(myDataSet, "customers")
da2.Fill(myDataSet, "Orders")


Dim dv1 As DataView
dv1 = myDataSet.Tables("Customers").DefaultView
dv1.Sort = "CompanyName"
dv1.RowFilter = "Country = 'Germany'"
DataGrid2.DataSource = dv1

dv2 = myDataSet.Tables("Orders").DefaultView
dv2.RowFilter = "CustomerID = ..."
dv2.Sort = "OrderDate"
DataGrid3.DataSource = dv2

You also could use the DataViewManager i na similar fashion. See the .NET
SDK for sample code if needed.

I hope this helps!

Hussein Abuthuraya
Microsoft Developer Support

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Thanks for the feedback, however, it is the approach with the
DataViewManager that I would like to see a code sample on and cant seem to
find any on MSDN or Google of in the SDK... if anyone has code samples using
the DataViewManager that would be much appreciated.


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