Filtering in Data Access Page



I needed to allow users to view, search and filter an Access Database. I
generated a page using the wizard, added a Command button to search for a
key word. But now, when the user goes to filter using the filter icon it
doesn't function as the table would.

For example.

My table contains a column which has entries such as "Check 1", "Check 2",
"Check 3". From the Access page, when I highlight the word "Check" in the
"Check 1" entree and click the filter icon, the returns I get is for "Check
1" only

The table on the other hand, if I highlight "Check" in the "Check 1" entree
and click the filter icon. The returns I get are for everything in that
column that contains the work "check"

Perhaps the Access page lacks the functionality of the table when it comes
down to filtering???

Sylvain Lafontaine

You're right, DAP are lacking this functionality. This is because the focus
over the selected part of the HTML control is lost when you click on the
button and is stated in the help file.

There is a newsgroup about DAP: microsoft.public.access.dataaccess.pages .

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