Filtering For Unique Records



I'm tearing my hair out trying to get Excel 2002 to filter a list for unique
records. I've followed the instructions in the Help section (as sketchy as
they were) and I was even able to successfully execute a Count for unique
records. But I just can't get the software to spit out the complete
worksheet with only unique records according to the specified column's

This is what I'm doing:

1. Click on a cell/column in the list.
2. Select Data, Filter, Advanced Filter.
3. Click "Copy to another location" (although I've also used "Filter the
list in-place" to no avail).
4. The List Range defaults to the parameters of the entire list (columns
A-T, rows 1-832).
5. Click on the Collapse Dialogue box next to Criteria Range and select the
column containing the values I want to de-dupe (I've also tried selecting all
the cells except the column header, which simply returns 1 row -- the column
header row).
6. Click on the Collapse Dialogue box next to "Copy to" and click on an
empty cell outside the list range.
7. Check the Unique Records Only box.
8. Click OK.

What I get is the entire list, including the records with duplicate values.
However, if I do a Count (limiting the list range to just the column in
question), I do get a list with just the unique values (but alas, not the
other columns that I need for each record).

What am I doing wrong???



You really need to ask this question in one of the Excel newsgroups. This is
a newsgroup for Access, the database application.

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