Filter for value 1 in two columns


Luvin lunch


I have two columns: Tutor 1; Tutor 2. Both columns contain tutor
initials, e.g. AA, BB, CC. So the initials AA could appear in the
Tutor 1 or Tutor 2 columns. I need to know all of the work that AA
has done. How can I filter my excel 2003 to show me all rows
containing AA either in the Tutor 1 column or in the Tutor 2 column.

Will I have to do it in VBA? Am I missing something?

All help gratefully received.


Teethless mama

Assume Tutor 1 in ColumnA and Tutor 2 in ColmumB. Create a helper column in

C2: =IF(OR(A2="AA",B2="AA"),"AA","")
copy down

AutoFilter all "AA" in the helper column

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