Filter by Form on sub-forms



I have a main form with several sub-forms on it (Access
2000). The sub-forms are related to the main form on a
many-to-one basis.

According to the Access help system, you are supposed to
be able to use the Filter by Form method to search both
the main form and the sub-forms for matching records
(and, in fact, the sub-forms show the same drop-down
boxes and tabs as the main form in Filter by Form mode).

However, putting search items in the sub-forms does not
result in any records being chosen when you click
on "Filter".

Am I doing something wrong here (I could swear this used
to work long ago!)


Denny G.

Steve, I have been to Microsoft on this. Their
answer: "Since subforms are linked to the main form and
to each other now and then, you can only do a find/filter
in a subform for information/data that exists and is
linked to the main form's record." You can, however,
build your own find or filter by form form and use it to
do searching on any record contained within the entire
database. You can have a button on your main form that
opens this find/filter form. I have had to do this for
clients. It is a little hard for them to understand, but
they get used to it.

Denny G.

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