Filling down



How do you quickly fill down a formula without dragging the fill handle for
3000 rows in Microsoft 2007?


if the adjacent column has information up to row 3000, just go to the right
button of the cell where you have the formula, when you see the black cross,
double click the mouse

T. Valko

One way...

Select the range of cells. For large ranges you can do this quickly by
typing the range address into the name box and then hitting Enter. The name
box is that little "box" immediately above the column A header.

For example, the range in question is A1:A3000

In the name box type A1:A3000 then hit Enter

The range will be selected and cell A1 will be the active cell.

Type your formula then, while holding down the CTRL key, hit Enter.


thank you

Eduardo said:
if the adjacent column has information up to row 3000, just go to the right
button of the cell where you have the formula, when you see the black cross,
double click the mouse


Is there a way to go fill down to row 3000 quickly if you do NOT have any
information adjacent?

Gord Dibben

See Biff's reply about using the namebox and CTRL + Enter

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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