Fill down problem


Bon Rouge


I would like to fill a column with this formula :


As you might imagine though, I can't put this on the first row, so ca
I do it another way? I want this formula to automatically be in ever
cell in that column besides the top 4.

Thanks a lot


Hi Bon.Rouge
Put it in the 5th cell and then either drag down from
there or, put it in the 5th cell and then Double click on
the handle in the bottom right hand corner of the cell and
it will autofill down

Bon Rouge

Thanks, but that's kind of what I do now.
What I'd like is to not have to do that. I want all of the cells in th
column to automatically have that formula - the ones that have som
content now and those that will be filled in the future. If I doubl
click on the bottom-right handle, it fills the cells that have som
content at the moment but not the ones below.
I realise that I could drag the formula right down to fill the 600
cells below (or however many there may be) but that would totally scre
up the scroll bar - I want the scroll bar to work as it should

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