Filing and indexing of emails


Leslie Isaacs

Hello All

I am using Office Professional 97 and Windows 2K Professional, over a 4-PC + file-server network.

I use Access to run a small Payroll Agency - the mdb does the payroll function as well as various 'business management' functions.

I want to move towards a more 'paperless' operation, and as part of this I want to establish a filing/indexing system for incoming/outgoing emails/faxes. Obviously items could be automatically diverted to individual client folders in Outlook, and/or (presumably) they could be saved (as what file-type?) to a client folder on my file-server. The important thing is obviously speed of retreival: all items are associated with a particular client, and then EITHER with a particular pay-period OR (for general employee items) with a particular employee.

It seems to me that the best solution might be to store everything on the file-server, but with a shortcut to it that is itself stored in a table (or tables?) in the backend of the mdb.

I realise that I may be asking quite a lot from this newsgroup, but if someone could at least point me in the right direction I would be very grateful!

Many thanks

Leslie Isaacs

Arvin Meyer

You need a document managing system that allows searching for your files, by
path, in a particular location. I built one as a demo that you will need to
either save you emails as Word docs (that's possible in later versions of
Outlook, but I don't have Outlook 97/98 to check) or convert the code to
read the file extensions in your version to collect the paths. The code
should be easy enough to convert. The Access 97 version is at:
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Hello All

I am using Office Professional 97 and Windows 2K Professional, over a 4-PC +
file-server network.

I use Access to run a small Payroll Agency - the mdb does the payroll
function as well as various 'business management' functions.

I want to move towards a more 'paperless' operation, and as part of this I
want to establish a filing/indexing system for incoming/outgoing
emails/faxes. Obviously items could be automatically diverted to individual
client folders in Outlook, and/or (presumably) they could be saved (as what
file-type?) to a client folder on my file-server. The important thing is
obviously speed of retreival: all items are associated with a particular
client, and then EITHER with a particular pay-period OR (for general
employee items) with a particular employee.

It seems to me that the best solution might be to store everything on the
file-server, but with a shortcut to it that is itself stored in a table (or
tables?) in the backend of the mdb.

I realise that I may be asking quite a lot from this newsgroup, but if
someone could at least point me in the right direction I would be very

Many thanks

Leslie Isaacs

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