FIles deleted



I just installed Windows XP updates via automatic update and after being
prompted to restart my computer to install , most of my files were deleted.
There were no prompts asking if I wanted to delete. The delete box was
titled system32.cmd.exe. Any idea what that is?
I also keep my Norton Antivirus updated and there was no warning from them.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

grcl1016 said:
I just installed Windows XP updates via automatic update and after
being prompted to restart my computer to install , most of my files
were deleted. There were no prompts asking if I wanted to delete. The
delete box was titled system32.cmd.exe. Any idea what that is?
I also keep my Norton Antivirus updated and there was no warning from

Hmmm. I find it highly unlikely that Windows Update was responsible for
deleting your files. What exactly did you see running? What files are

Is your firewall enabled, do you regularly scan for malware as well as
viruses, and do you do regular backups of *all* your data? These are all a


My desktop is intact but folders are empty. Lost documents, photos and some
programs but not all. A window open title system32.cmd.exe and was deleting
files at a hgh rate. It was over in about a minute.
Computer seems to function fine now. I ran system restore to yesterday and
the same system32 window appeared and deleted things again. I ran a antivirus
scan (Norton) and no problems. I run scans weekly along with other
maintainence, same as I have done for years. Never had anything like this
before. Back ups are my weakness. I left my firewall down for 24 hours when I
installed Verizon DSL service yesterday at my job. I did lose some stuff
today. I did a search of system32 and that folder is huge, 1.6 GB. Could my
stuff be hiding there?
Thanks for your reply.


I lost documents, photos and some programs. I ran system restore to
yesterday and the same window opened to system32.cmd.exe and proceeded to
delete files again. It was very quick and I saw no way to stop it.
The computer seems to be functionng fine otherwise. I ran a anti virus scan
and found no problems (I do this and other mantainence weekly) .
I spoke to my computer guy and he heard of no other problems with his
clients from this windows update. I just saw there is another update tonight
but I'm not installing it at this point.
I did search system32 and found the folder to contain 1.6 GB of stuff. Is it
possible some things are in there? File names don't match my lost stuff.
Thanks for your reply.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

grcl1016 said:
My desktop is intact but folders are empty. Lost documents, photos
and some programs but not all. A window open title system32.cmd.exe
and was deleting files at a hgh rate.

That means there was something running in a command prompt, but it doesn't
tell us what it was.
It was over in about a minute.
Computer seems to function fine now. I ran system restore to
yesterday and the same system32 window appeared and deleted things
again. I ran a antivirus scan (Norton) and no problems. I run scans
weekly along with other maintainence, same as I have done for years.
Never had anything like this before. Back ups are my weakness. I left
my firewall down for 24 hours when I installed Verizon DSL service
yesterday at my job.

Yoicks. I suspect this might not be unrelated. You should never for even a
nanosecond connect to the Internet without a firewall. Always use
protection, son.
I did lose some stuff today. I did a search of
system32 and that folder is huge, 1.6 GB. Could my stuff be hiding

Doubtful, although I suppose you could look.
You might try an undelete program to see what it can find. Then get going on
those backups!

Joe Wright

grcl1016 said:
I lost documents, photos and some programs. I ran system restore to
yesterday and the same window opened to system32.cmd.exe and proceeded to
delete files again. It was very quick and I saw no way to stop it.
The computer seems to be functionng fine otherwise. I ran a anti virus scan
and found no problems (I do this and other mantainence weekly) .
I spoke to my computer guy and he heard of no other problems with his
clients from this windows update. I just saw there is another update tonight
but I'm not installing it at this point.
I did search system32 and found the folder to contain 1.6 GB of stuff. Is it
possible some things are in there? File names don't match my lost stuff.
Thanks for your reply.

That certainly reads like a virus.. Look at this thread:"system32.cmd.exe"&rnum=2#a7940f91a6a58941

Continue searching here:"system32.cmd.exe"&qt_s=Search

If the filename was actually ..\System32\cmd.exe then I suspect the
Windows update left a utility in Runonce that was supposed to delete the
temp files and it's somehow deleting the files in, oh, let's say the
current folder, rather than the Temp folder it was intending to empty..
In that case, here's what I would try:

Click Start, Run, type REGEDIT, click OK. Press Home, then F3, type
RUNONCE in the "Find what" pane, select "Keys" only, click "Find Next".
When a key is found, look through the programs in the right pane for
one that might be the damaging program. Delete that entry. If none
found, press F3 to continue the search.

Joe =o)

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