file type: can;t get a program into the list



In explorer you can make a program open a file of a certain type.
But I cannot get a program to appear in the list of optional programs.
I can browse to the program and choose it, but it will not "stay".
how come ?
what do I do about it ?

Tim Slattery

Osiris said:
In explorer you can make a program open a file of a certain type.
But I cannot get a program to appear in the list of optional programs.
I can browse to the program and choose it, but it will not "stay".
how come ?
what do I do about it ?

There should be a checkbox just under the box that lists the programs
that's labeled "Always use the selected program to open this kind of
file". If you check that box before opening the file, an association
will be created.


There should be a checkbox just under the box that lists the programs
that's labeled "Always use the selected program to open this kind of
file". If you check that box before opening the file, an association
will be created.

yeah, thought so too....But no go.

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