File size mystery


Eric Bentzen

1. I have a workbook with 42 sheets. Size: 3,8 mb
2. Then I have a copy with a diagram on each sheet. Size:
43,5 mb (approx. 1 mb per diagram).
3. Using a macro I copy the diagrams (diagrams only) to a
new workbook. Size: 132,6 mb !!!

If I copy the 42 diagrams manually, the size of the new
workbook is only 24,5 mb.

Can anyone explain this mystery? Any ideas as how to copy
the diagrams automatically and keep the file size down to


Eric Bentzen

Peter T

Hi Eric,

Maybe the code you use to do the copy does not replicate how you do it

Exactly what are these diagrams, 1mb / diag seems a lot.
Post the code you use to do the copy.

Peter T

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