File Path


Dennis D.

FP 2002:
The paths for my hyperlinks and file locations are listing the absolute
address on my HD and are not changing when publishing the site to the web
server. It the links remain file:///d:/images/mypic.gif and
file:///d:/default.htm on the web server.

It should list the relative address as images/mypic.gif. This is something
new to this site. What happened, and how do I resolve it?


Stefan B Rusynko

1) Always open a FP web / site before you edit any of the pages in it
2) Always File Import the images into your FP web/site before you add them to your pages


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| FP 2002:
| The paths for my hyperlinks and file locations are listing the absolute
| address on my HD and are not changing when publishing the site to the web
| server. It the links remain file:///d:/images/mypic.gif and
| file:///d:/default.htm on the web server.
| It should list the relative address as images/mypic.gif. This is something
| new to this site. What happened, and how do I resolve it?
| Thanks.,
| D.

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