File in Use error after Database Split



I've created a be file from the original database and linked the tables to
the be file. I have the be file saved in a Do Not Use folder on a network
drive. The original file is saved on the same drive outside of the Do Not Use
I had the users copy the original file to their desktop and try to open the
file, however they get a File In Use error.
All users have write/delete access to the drive, folders and database.

What am I missing to allow multiple users to access the database and enter
data using a form?


They have the following permissions, Modify, Read & Execute, Read, Write. The
only other option is Full Control, which I assume they do not need.
This is the same for the drive and for the FE & BE databases.

When the FE is opened an .ldb is created on the first users desktop as well
as an .ldb created on the drive for the BE database.

Default open mode: Shared
Default record locking: No locks
Box is checked for Open Databases using record-level locking

Still not sure what the problem is.


I dug deeper and these are the permissions that all users have:
Traverse Folders/Execute File
List Folder/Read Data
Read Attributes
Read Extended Attributes
Create Files/Write Data
Create Folders/Append Data
Write Attributes
Write Extended Attributes
Read Permissions

Tom Wickerath

Okay....I have heard of some network-related issues with the Vista operating
system, but it looks like that is not an issue here.

With everyone out of the database (and everyone's copy of Access closed), do
you see a locking database file (.ldb file extension) in the shared folder?
This is usually a fairly small file, around 1 KB. You may need to configure
Windows to display file extensions for known file types. If you see such a
file, delete it.

From your earlier reply:
When the FE is opened an .ldb is created on the first users desktop as well
as an .ldb created on the drive for the BE database.

This is normal and expected behavior. What you don't want to see is a .ldb
file that remains on the user's desktop when they close their FE application,
or a .ldb for the BE database, when all users have exited the application.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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