File does not close


Otto Moehrbach

Excel XP, Win XP
The code below does as follows:
Opens the "....MASTER..." file.
Loops through 22 files in the C:\Temp folder.
Opens each file.
Copies the lone sheet to the MASTER file.
Closes each file.
The MASTER file is left open (like I want).
It all works fine.
Problem: The Project Explorer window in the VBE shows that the LAST of the
22 files is still open. I cannot access the file in any way that I know of.
The fact that the file is open does not bother my project in any way. I can
close that file only by closing Excel.
Question: Why is that lone last file open (in the VBE)?
Thanks for your time. Otto
Sub CombineBooks()
ThePath = "C:\Temp\"
Set MASTERwb = Workbooks.Open(ThePath & "Daily Error report
ChDir ThePath
TheFile = Dir("*.csv")
Do While TheFile <> ""
If LCase(TheFile) <> LCase("Daily Error report MASTER.xls") Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(ThePath & "\" & TheFile)
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
wb.Worksheets(1).Copy Before:=MASTERwb.Worksheets(1)
MASTERwb.Worksheets(1).Name = Left(TheFile, Len(TheFile) -
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
TheFile = Dir
End Sub

Otto Moehrbach

I just found a significant point of interest. That file appears in the VBE,
yes, but ONLY if the VBE was open at the time of code execution It does not
appear in the VBE if the VBE was closed (and I open the VBE after code
execution to see). It would appear then that the "problem" I stated is a
non-problem. I still would like your opinion on this. Thanks for your
time. Otto

Otto Moehrbach

You did it again! That took care of the little "ghost". Thanks. Otto

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