File/Directory Name Completion


Sam Low

I have Windows Server 2003 on several machines and cmd.exe always come by
default with Filename completion with the Tab key. Now I have another
Windows Server 2003 installation on a new machine, installed no differently
from the rest, but the feature is now absent by default. If I turn it on
manually using /F:blush:n, the key is not the Tab key but the Ctrl-D key. The
help documentation in Help Center seem to suggest that the key is tab by
default, but cmd.exe /h seems to suggest Ctrl-D.

Has there been some changes recently? Thanks.

Matthias Tacke

Sam said:
I have Windows Server 2003 on several machines and cmd.exe always come by
default with Filename completion with the Tab key. Now I have another
Windows Server 2003 installation on a new machine, installed no differently
from the rest, but the feature is now absent by default. If I turn it on
manually using /F:blush:n, the key is not the Tab key but the Ctrl-D key. The
help documentation in Help Center seem to suggest that the key is tab by
default, but cmd.exe /h seems to suggest Ctrl-D.

Has there been some changes recently? Thanks.
I don't know. If you want to be shure of specific setting, put it
yourself in the registry.

The following batch lists the keys HKLM and HKCU. If you want the tab
for all 4 entries, remove the echo in front of the reg add command.

@echo off&setlocal
set Key=Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
set Type=REG_DWORD
set Data=0x9
for %%H in (HKLM HKCU) do (Reg Query "%%H\%Key%"
for %%V in (CompletionChar PathCompletionChar) do (
echo Reg Add "%%H\%Key%" /v %%V /t %Type% /d %Data% /f


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