File deletion and user profiles (?)



I often have the problem of not being allowed to delete, rename, or
otherwise alter files that were open AT SOME EARLIER TIME in an application
that is now closed (Microsoft Word, for example), or even that just
populated a list, like the main view of Windows Explorer. Only on rebooting
do the files return to a state where these things can be done, but sometimes
not even then. Though I'm sure spyware and such have contributed, I think
the main culprit may be that multiple "handle files for file restoration" or
whatever they should be called are being deposited deep down in the file
structure of the multitude of user profiles that exist on my computer -- of
which by the way I am the only actual user.

Though I am the only user, because I am on a network there are 13 (!) user
profiles in my c:\documents and settings, for example "All Users," "Default
User," "LocalService.NT AUTHORITY" etc. (I don't think my network
administrator meaningfully understands how such a multitude of profiles are
supposed to interact -- why should he? why should anyone?)

This type of problem may be too broad to ask for a "solution" but if anyone
has any insight into this I'd appreciate it.


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