File copying VERY slow to/from Vista machine



If I recall, (without combing thru all of the data we collected, which is
in Excel form) during our extensive, exhaustive testing and implementing
of Vista, we installed TCP/IPv6 on all boxes running XP/Server, etc and
that fixed the file transfer slowness process.

Interesting. What's actually involved in getting IPv6 up and running on
Windows Server 2003, XP and Vista?

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)


Thanks. Are you saying that you used IPv6 _instead_ of IPv4 or _with_ IPv4?

Also, the OS is OK but what about printers and other devices that probably
don't support IPv6?

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)


Qu0ll said:
Thanks. Are you saying that you used IPv6 _instead_ of IPv4 or _with_

Also, the OS is OK but what about printers and other devices that
probably don't support IPv6?

As I recall, we used both 4&6 so everything would work.


As I recall, we used both 4&6 so everything would work.

I can't see how that would work or how it would resolve slow copying issues.

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)


See if its works for you before passing judgment.

I enabled IPv6 on both the server and Vista machine and rebooted both
machines. File copying is still just as slow.

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)


Qu0ll said:
I enabled IPv6 on both the server and Vista machine and rebooted both
machines. File copying is still just as slow.
Next try taking the check mark out of v4.


Next try taking the check mark out of v4.

That doesn't work at all. The LAN drops out and Vista tells me to check my
IP bindings and reinstate IPv4.

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)


Qu0ll said:
That doesn't work at all. The LAN drops out and Vista tells me to check
my IP bindings and reinstate IPv4.
And you already tried running just on 4 correct?


And you already tried running just on 4 correct?


And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
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BTW, do you have UAC enabled?

No, I turned it off. Why do you ask?

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
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Qu0ll said:
No, I turned it off. Why do you ask?
We did too (I know, MS is not too happy about that!). I'll ask some of
my associates if we did anything else to overcome the slow deal.
I know we had to do something in the server that worked and we did get
the XP's to fast transfer with Vista and vice versa, but we've now
gotten rid of all but one XP (it's on a dual boot) and I'm currently,
personally, on Longhorn B3 (Server 8) running as a client.
If I come up with new info for you I'll post it ASAP. Sorry that I can't
be of immediate help in solving your problem.

Michael Matzko

I just heard this in a Minasi technet session on command line server admin
today. It has to do with "big window" regarding Vista and working with
non-Vista/Longhorn machines. There is a setting which will fix this.

If I find the url for the re-broadcast, I'll post it in this thread as it
will fix your problem.

Or you can search Microsoft for Vista and big window . .



I just heard this in a Minasi technet session on command line server admin
today. It has to do with "big window" regarding Vista and working with
non-Vista/Longhorn machines. There is a setting which will fix this.

If I find the url for the re-broadcast, I'll post it in this thread as it
will fix your problem.

Yes, please do.
Or you can search Microsoft for Vista and big window . .

I did but nothing showed up. I guess it hasn't made it onto their site just

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)


I'm not surprised they are having problems with this and are working on a
fix. During one of the launch events the guy from microsoft had said they
had redesigned the SMB stack to accomodate larger file sizes. My guess is
they have some bugs to work out as it's not going as fast as they had
hoped... If you take a look at that hot fix you posted one of the files is
the SMB.sys

I want to say that XP uses SMB 1.0 (or something like that) and Vista is 2.0
and probably assumes it will connect at 2.0 and has to back down to 1.0
which is why you get the slow start and it slowly speeds up (at least thats
what I have found on my networks). Again, this is just a guess....

I would bet money that by the time they have the first service pack ready
this problem will be gone.




this frank guy doesn't know shyt about networking...
His "extended testing" was done by himself in his basement... lol

I suggest you post
on the specialized networking newsgroups for both XP and Vista..Crostpost

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