File Attached : Resending it again as File size was big



Hello all,

I am attaching a file,contains 3 sheets Master,Report 7 Data resp.

I need the Data sheet to be filled up based on the Report sheet.

I am totally confused on how to go about it.

Note : This file is to be used everyday & based on the report sheet
,the data sheet should change automatically.

Pls help.


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Frank Kabel

Hi Rajkumar

i took a look at your spreadsheet and I'm still not so sure what you
want to achieve, but lets give it a try. In your Data sheet / Cell B3 i
assume that you want to porcess all Report Data that have the status
'JNS', Tech-Code '21', Ageing '0-2' days. Return value would be the
number of occurences (assumption)

For this you could use the following function in B3
copy this down. For the second column (C3) use the following
also copy down

You can use these formulas accordingly for all othe status types. just
change the $A$1 part and the date checking part
If you have further questions i can send you your Excel sheet with
formulas inserted



Dear Frank,

Absolutely great,wonderful,marvellous.You are genius.

I am really sorry for not ellaborating my msg.But you assumed it to

Can you pls fill up the rest of the formulae part in that file & also
can you pls explain(if possible) how did you do it.I am unable to
understand the formaule.i can learn something new today from you.

Thanks once again.

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