File access denied. You don't have access mailbox.pst



While working with on a contract, I used my personal laptop and had it setup
to support my client's email configuration. I deleted all my client's domain
and email setup stuff from my laptop. I forgot to export my *.pst file, but
I recently found a year old backup *.pst file on a personal CD. I tried to
load it and encountered "File access is enied. You do not have the
permission required to access the file C:\mailbox.pst". Is there anything I
can do to recover this file??? This file contains all my work and vital
personal data. Hhhhhhhheeeeeeeelllllllppppp !!!

I've learned that there are several crack untilities on the www, but I'm
afraid to use shareware for fear of downloading a virus. I can't go back to
my client with this matter without raising eyebrows.

Brian Tillman

epm said:
While working with on a contract, I used my personal laptop and had
it setup to support my client's email configuration. I deleted all
my client's domain and email setup stuff from my laptop. I forgot to
export my *.pst file, but I recently found a year old backup *.pst
file on a personal CD. I tried to load it and encountered "File
access is enied. You do not have the permission required to access
the file C:\mailbox.pst".

Copy the PST to your hard drive, remove the read-only attribute and then
open it in Outlook with File>Open>Outlook Data File (or Personal Folders
File, depending on your Outlook version, which you don't state).


Aaaaaah. Very interesting. The funny thing is that when I 1st attempted to
read the file weeks ago it work perfectly when I loaded it from my CDROM. I
recall then setting it to "Read-Only" thinking it would all me to
read-it-only, not lock me out.

The file is about 18 mb and it's seems to be loading now. Thanks

Brian Tillman

epm said:
The funny thing is that when I 1st
attempted to read the file weeks ago it work perfectly when I loaded
it from my CDROM.

Not possible. Outlook requires read/write access to PSTs. FIles on CD
cannot have write access. I can't explain what you saw before, but it
wasn't a PST on a CD opening in Outlook.

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