Field Code 'IF Statements'



Im working on a document that requires an IF statement in a field cod
in the footer.
This field code will detect if a bookmarked value exists and use it o
use the {SECTIONPAGES} tag (if it doesn't exist).
The field code is as follows -

{ if { PAGEREF { styleref "Section Heading" \r\t }SubSectionPage }
"Error! Bookmark not defined." {SECTIONPAGES} {PAGEREF { stylere
"Section Heading" \r\t }SubSectionPage} }

which then should equate to the following

{ if { PAGEREF HSubSectionPage } = "Error! Bookmark not defined.

(HSubSectionPage is the bookmarked value)

However, my problem is that it always returns "Error! Bookmark no
defined." and therefore doest not evaluate it properly.

I think I have narrowed it down to the fact that it does not evaluat
the 'IF' statement in the correct order.

Please Help.

Thanks in advance


If I use

{ IF { = PageRef "test" } + 0 + "!Syntax Error, !" "No Bookmark"
"Bookmark" }

If returns No Bookmark if the bookmark does not exist and Bookmark, if it

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Just tried your suggestion but realised that doesn't work (under W97)
Your code produces a syntax error due to the " = " bit in the firs
embedded field code. Your IF statement checks for this syntax error an
returns the "No bookmark".

The way around this would be something like:

{if { pageref Test } = "Error! Bookmark not defined." "No Bookmark
"Bookmark Exists"}

I guess I did not explain myself fully. I have Sections A through to
in a document. In the footer of each section it needs to check if a su
section exists. If it does then use a bookmarked value in that su
section otherwise use a number in the current section.

All bookmarked values are in the syntax 'SectionA', 'SectionB
(according to which section they are in).

Therefore I need to get the current section Letter then look for
bookmark eg
if bookmarkvalue ('Section'+GetSectionLetter) = "" then "" else ""
but as previously stated it wont work.

Thanks in advance

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