Feature Suggtions: group worksheets within a wbk; unhide many at o



Tame big Excel workbooks by grouping worksheets, maybe in folders? I would
also like to be able to ctrl-select multiple worksheets and unhide them.

Some workbooks have many interrelated worksheets. I hide many of them so it
will appear somewhat organized. I wish I could group them or at least unhide
more than one at a time.

I'm on WinXP/Office 2002

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Tom Ogilvy

How are you going to Ctrl+Select a sheet if it is hidden? Are you asking
for sheet tabs of hidden sheets to be visible?

Tom Ogilvy

barnett said:
Tame big Excel workbooks by grouping worksheets, maybe in folders? I would
also like to be able to ctrl-select multiple worksheets and unhide them.

Some workbooks have many interrelated worksheets. I hide many of them so it
will appear somewhat organized. I wish I could group them or at least unhide
more than one at a time.

I'm on WinXP/Office 2002

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


I wasn't very specific there. On the un-hiding multiple sheets, I'd like to
be able to go
and then ctrl+select which ones I want to unhide.

Currently, if I have to unhide 10 sheets, I use key shortcuts (alt+o, h, u)
to get to the window and then pick one at a time.


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