FBA Hangs with no logs



I’m trying to build an image that will work on any hardware combination (well
within certain constraints). As recommended by Slobodan I included the
minlogon component and built from there, to that I added all the components
suggested in the post
http://groups.google.co.uk/groups?q...r=&[email protected]
although I could not find the “Mount Manager†or the components referred to
only as “Both PnP componentsâ€. The image builds fine, but the FBA hangs, no
messages are sent to screen, or to any log files, indeed not a single log
file is created. I’m kind of confused as to what I’m missing, has anybody
seen anything like this before?


Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Rob,

I did not suggested that you use minlogon component.
I told you to use "MinLogon Sample Macro" or "WinLogon Sample Macro" components as starting point.
Plain minlogon will do you no good.

Also have you passed point of ntldr. and boot ini?
You should see something.



Oh, my mistake, when my device loads, I get the usual BIOS stuff, but
straight after that I have a black screen and nothing else. I'll try again
with the macro component and see where that gets me, many thanks.



"Mount Manager" is under "Software : System : System Services : Base". It has Visibility level 100 so make sure your TD
Min.Visibility option is set to 100.
"Both PnP components" was just a reference to "PnP (User-mode)" and "PnP (Kernel-mode)" :) The second one has less visibility level

Any macro component will not help you with NT Loader issues which you seem to have.
Add non-zero timeout to boot.ini and see if you can get to ntldr menu first. To play with this you will only need :
- bootable target (depending on what's the target storage, how you partition and format it, what BIOS settings you set)
- ntldr, ntdetect.com, boot.ini under the root of the system active partition (uncompressed if case you use NTFS compression).

As soon as you pass this phase (ntldr boot), you can move forward to play with your image and various driver components/macro