FAXING with no CD... How do I accomplish this task?



I do not have the CD for Windows XP as my PC came with Windows XP
already installed.

I desparately need to use the faxing service.

I can find the files in Windows/Service Pack Files/i386, but when I
attempt to direct the fax setup to the i386 folder it is empty??

Please assist me. I know just enought to be dangerous, bur not enough
to know how to do this.

Thanks so much for taking time to help others!



I do not have the CD for Windows XP as my PC came with Windows XP
already installed.

I desparately need to use the faxing service.

I can find the files in Windows/Service Pack Files/i386, but when I
attempt to direct the fax setup to the i386 folder it is empty??

Please assist me. I know just enought to be dangerous, bur not enough
to know how to do this.

Thanks so much for taking time to help others!


Are you directing it to the I386 folder or to the fax folder in the I386
folder? If you are browsing to the fax folder it won't see the files it
needs. Just point it to the I386 folder.

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