Failed to create EWF partition



Hi there,
I tried to use the enhanced write filter but run into the
Failed to create EWF partition problem. I have my system
set up for dual booting and run XP professional and XP
embedded which works fine. I just can't get the EWF to
Thanks for any suggestion,


Here is what the FBAlog file says:

11:28:27 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
11:28:28 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from
11:28:28 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
11:28:28 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes),
Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
11:28:28 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
11:28:28 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
11:28:28 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite=
11:28:28 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
11:28:28 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - EXTENDED
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 15
11:28:28 AM - LOGICAL
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x000000005e210200, type= 12
11:28:28 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017b7ee4200,
len=0x00000004388b3800, type= 0
11:28:28 AM - Can't create EWF partition size =
0x0000000002205c00 on disk# 0.
11:28:28 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
11:28:28 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
11:28:28 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32
\ewfdll.dll, ConfigureEwf
11:28:28 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup
11:28:29 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
11:28:39 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

Heidi Linda eMVP

Do you have some free space left to create the EWF partition? If you have an
extended partition and your XPe logical drive within this, then you need (or
at least it works this way for me) to leave space in the extended partition,
not outside it.


I have a 110G harddrive which has three partitions. The C: one has my XP
running. D: is my logical drive more or less for storage. The E: one is a
primary partition in which I place the embedded image. I still have over 10G
on space unallocated. I have the system set up for dual booting from C: XP
or E: XPembedded. I don't have a clue why it doesn't work.



Heidi Linda eMVP said:
Do you have some free space left to create the EWF partition? If you have an
extended partition and your XPe logical drive within this, then you need (or
at least it works this way for me) to leave space in the extended partition,
not outside it.

Mick said:
Hi there,
I tried to use the enhanced write filter but run into the
Failed to create EWF partition problem. I have my system
set up for dual booting and run XP professional and XP
embedded which works fine. I just can't get the EWF to
Thanks for any suggestion,


Here is what the FBAlog file says:

11:28:27 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
11:28:28 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from
11:28:28 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
11:28:28 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes),
Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
11:28:28 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
11:28:28 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
11:28:28 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite=
11:28:28 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
11:28:28 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - EXTENDED
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 15
11:28:28 AM - LOGICAL
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x000000005e210200, type= 12
11:28:28 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017b7ee4200,
len=0x00000004388b3800, type= 0
11:28:28 AM - Can't create EWF partition size =
0x0000000002205c00 on disk# 0.
11:28:28 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
11:28:28 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
11:28:28 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32
\ewfdll.dll, ConfigureEwf
11:28:28 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup
11:28:29 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
11:28:39 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

Heidi Linda eMVP

Mick said:
I have a 110G harddrive which has three partitions. The C: one has my XP
running. D: is my logical drive more or less for storage. The E: one is a
primary partition in which I place the embedded image. I still have over 10G
on space unallocated. I have the system set up for dual booting from C: XP
or E: XPembedded. I don't have a clue why it doesn't work.
OK try putting the XPe partition as a logical drive in an extended partition
with some free space left in the partition. It might also be worth creating
another partition after the XPe one and leaving it unformatted.


Thanks for the tip. But I still cannot get it to work. I made a FAT logical
partition with some extended memory around it. I started from scratch,
twice. But now I get the blue screen "system licence violation" 0x9 . The
FBALog tells me:
8:05:43 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Setting PNP Flag...
8:05:45 AM - [FBAFixWindowsPathsInRegistry] Incorrect WinDir: [G:\WINDOWS]
should be [E:\WINDOWS]
8:05:45 AM - [FBAProcessRegisterDLLs] 65536028 -> Invalid Path:
8:05:45 AM - [FBAProcessRegisterDLLs] 72089629 -> Invalid Path:

and so on. G: is my logical FAT partition where my image is. E: is the
primary one where i placed the image before. I don't know why it thinks the
correct path should be e: Maybe I will delete the partition and see if that
would work.





It seems the XPe image sees your FAT partition as E: drive. Try setting E:
as your system drive in TD settings.
Also, you may post here your exact partition layout to help us understanding
what may be your problem.


M> Thanks for the tip. But I still cannot get it to work. I made a FAT
M> logical partition with some extended memory around it. I started from
M> scratch, twice. But now I get the blue screen "system licence
M> violation" 0x9 . The
M> FBALog tells me:
M> 8:05:43 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Setting PNP Flag...
M> 8:05:45 AM - [FBAFixWindowsPathsInRegistry] Incorrect WinDir:
M> should be [E:\WINDOWS]
M> 8:05:45 AM - [FBAProcessRegisterDLLs] 65536028 -> Invalid Path:
M> [G:\WINDOWS\fba\fbalib.dll]
M> 8:05:45 AM - [FBAProcessRegisterDLLs] 72089629 -> Invalid Path:
M> [G:\WINDOWS\fba\fbalib.dll]

M> and so on. G: is my logical FAT partition where my image is. E: is
M> the primary one where i placed the image before. I don't know why it
M> thinks the correct path should be e: Maybe I will delete the
M> partition and see if that would work.

M> Thanks,

M> Mick



Thanks for the tip. I did set it to E: (even if it is named G:) and the fba
But I still can't create the ewf partition. here is what the fba log states:
9:58:01 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
9:58:01 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from registry.
9:58:01 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
9:58:01 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes), Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
9:58:01 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
9:58:01 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
9:58:01 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite= N.
9:58:01 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
9:58:01 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
9:58:01 AM - PRIMARY partition,start=0x0000000000007e00,
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
9:58:01 AM - PRIMARY partition,start=0x00000000036e8e00,
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
9:58:01 AM - EXTENDED partition,start=0x00000004fe1ede00,
len=0x00000012dba36e00, type= 15
9:58:01 AM - LOGICAL partition,start=0x00000004fe1ede00,
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
9:58:01 AM - LOGICAL partition,start=0x0000001759ccc200,
len=0x000000007ff58a00, type= 11
9:58:01 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017d9c24c00,
len=0x0000000416b72e00, type= 0
9:58:01 AM - Can't create EWF partition size = 0x0000000002205c00 on disk#
9:58:01 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
9:58:01 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
9:58:01 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32\ewfdll.dll,
9:58:01 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
9:58:02 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
9:58:12 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

My current partition layout is like this:
FAT EISA Config 55Mb primary
C: NTFS System 20GB primary
D: NTFS 74GB Logical
G: FAT32 2GB Logical
16GB unallocated primary

The XPe image is on the g drive. System is set up for dual booting wit XP
professional on C:. I did had a different partition layout before, which had
a E: FAT primary partition instead of the G: Logial one.
It always fails to create the ewf partition. I did start already several
times from scratch, didn't help.
Any suggestions are welcome.


KM said:

It seems the XPe image sees your FAT partition as E: drive. Try setting E:
as your system drive in TD settings.
Also, you may post here your exact partition layout to help us understanding
what may be your problem.


M> Thanks for the tip. But I still cannot get it to work. I made a FAT
M> logical partition with some extended memory around it. I started from
M> scratch, twice. But now I get the blue screen "system licence
M> violation" 0x9 . The
M> FBALog tells me:
M> 8:05:43 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Setting PNP Flag...
M> 8:05:45 AM - [FBAFixWindowsPathsInRegistry] Incorrect WinDir:
M> should be [E:\WINDOWS]
M> 8:05:45 AM - [FBAProcessRegisterDLLs] 65536028 -> Invalid Path:
M> [G:\WINDOWS\fba\fbalib.dll]
M> 8:05:45 AM - [FBAProcessRegisterDLLs] 72089629 -> Invalid Path:
M> [G:\WINDOWS\fba\fbalib.dll]

M> and so on. G: is my logical FAT partition where my image is. E: is
M> the primary one where i placed the image before. I don't know why it
M> thinks the correct path should be e: Maybe I will delete the
M> partition and see if that would work.

M> Thanks,

M> Mick


I can't access any of the links you stated. I did switch to RAM as an
overlay type but it still can't create the ewf partition.
Any suggestions are welcome.


Slobodan Brcin said:
You have too complex partition structure on your disk, so FBA probably can't
manage to create EWF overlay partition.
If you can switch to RAM EWF, then you can use doc I have posted on to configure RAM EWF without overlay partition.

Also since you are using XP and XPe on same computer, you might find this


Mick said:
Hi there,
I tried to use the enhanced write filter but run into the
Failed to create EWF partition problem. I have my system
set up for dual booting and run XP professional and XP
embedded which works fine. I just can't get the EWF to
Thanks for any suggestion,


Here is what the FBAlog file says:

11:28:27 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
11:28:28 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from
11:28:28 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
11:28:28 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes),
Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
11:28:28 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
11:28:28 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
11:28:28 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite=
11:28:28 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
11:28:28 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - EXTENDED
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 15
11:28:28 AM - LOGICAL
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x000000005e210200, type= 12
11:28:28 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017b7ee4200,
len=0x00000004388b3800, type= 0
11:28:28 AM - Can't create EWF partition size =
0x0000000002205c00 on disk# 0.
11:28:28 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
11:28:28 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
11:28:28 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32
\ewfdll.dll, ConfigureEwf
11:28:28 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup
11:28:29 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
11:28:39 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

Heidi Linda eMVP

Mick said:
Thanks for the tip. I did set it to E: (even if it is named G:) and the fba
But I still can't create the ewf partition. here is what the fba log states:
9:58:01 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
9:58:01 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from registry.
9:58:01 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
9:58:01 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes), Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
9:58:01 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
9:58:01 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
9:58:01 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite= N.
9:58:01 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
9:58:01 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
9:58:01 AM - PRIMARY partition,start=0x0000000000007e00,
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
9:58:01 AM - PRIMARY partition,start=0x00000000036e8e00,
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
9:58:01 AM - EXTENDED partition,start=0x00000004fe1ede00,
len=0x00000012dba36e00, type= 15
9:58:01 AM - LOGICAL partition,start=0x00000004fe1ede00,
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
9:58:01 AM - LOGICAL partition,start=0x0000001759ccc200,
len=0x000000007ff58a00, type= 11
9:58:01 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017d9c24c00,
len=0x0000000416b72e00, type= 0
9:58:01 AM - Can't create EWF partition size = 0x0000000002205c00 on disk#
9:58:01 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
9:58:01 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
9:58:01 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32\ewfdll.dll,
9:58:01 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
9:58:02 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
9:58:12 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

My current partition layout is like this:
FAT EISA Config 55Mb primary
C: NTFS System 20GB primary
D: NTFS 74GB Logical
G: FAT32 2GB Logical
16GB unallocated primary

OK so you have something along these lines?


Thanks, this time I got it to work when I had some free space in the
extended partition.

Thanks for all the help,


Heidi Linda eMVP said:
Mick said:
Thanks for the tip. I did set it to E: (even if it is named G:) and the fba
But I still can't create the ewf partition. here is what the fba log states:
9:58:01 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
9:58:01 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from registry.
9:58:01 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
9:58:01 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes), Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
9:58:01 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
9:58:01 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
9:58:01 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite= N.
9:58:01 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
9:58:01 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
9:58:01 AM - PRIMARY partition,start=0x0000000000007e00,
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
9:58:01 AM - PRIMARY partition,start=0x00000000036e8e00,
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
9:58:01 AM - EXTENDED partition,start=0x00000004fe1ede00,
len=0x00000012dba36e00, type= 15
9:58:01 AM - LOGICAL partition,start=0x00000004fe1ede00,
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
9:58:01 AM - LOGICAL partition,start=0x0000001759ccc200,
len=0x000000007ff58a00, type= 11
9:58:01 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017d9c24c00,
len=0x0000000416b72e00, type= 0
9:58:01 AM - Can't create EWF partition size = 0x0000000002205c00 on disk#
9:58:01 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
9:58:01 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
9:58:01 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32\ewfdll.dll,
9:58:01 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup Flag...
9:58:02 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
9:58:12 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

My current partition layout is like this:
FAT EISA Config 55Mb primary
C: NTFS System 20GB primary
D: NTFS 74GB Logical
G: FAT32 2GB Logical
16GB unallocated primary

OK so you have something along these lines?

|P1|P2|Extended | P3 |
| | |--------------------| |
| | | L1 | L2 | unformat|

Slobodan Brcin

Sorry, I had a typo for first link.

Second link must end with .asp since it wrapped to another line.


Slobodan Brcin said:
You have too complex partition structure on your disk, so FBA probably can't
manage to create EWF overlay partition.
If you can switch to RAM EWF, then you can use doc I have posted on to configure RAM EWF without overlay partition.

Also since you are using XP and XPe on same computer, you might find this


Mick said:
Hi there,
I tried to use the enhanced write filter but run into the
Failed to create EWF partition problem. I have my system
set up for dual booting and run XP professional and XP
embedded which works fine. I just can't get the EWF to
Thanks for any suggestion,


Here is what the FBAlog file says:

11:28:27 AM - ConfigureEwf() Start.
11:28:28 AM - Getting EWF config parameters from
11:28:28 AM - Non El Torito disk configuration.
11:28:28 AM - EWF Partition Size = 34816 (KBytes),
Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
11:28:28 AM - Protected Volume Config #0 :
11:28:28 AM - Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= Disk.
11:28:28 AM - Enable= Enabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite=
11:28:28 AM - Found 1 Hard Disks.
11:28:28 AM - Disk #0 layout info:
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000000036e1000, type= 222
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x00000004fab05000, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - EXTENDED
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 15
11:28:28 AM - LOGICAL
len=0x000000125bade400, type= 7
11:28:28 AM - PRIMARY
len=0x000000005e210200, type= 12
11:28:28 AM - FREE partition,start=0x00000017b7ee4200,
len=0x00000004388b3800, type= 0
11:28:28 AM - Can't create EWF partition size =
0x0000000002205c00 on disk# 0.
11:28:28 AM - Failed to create EWF partition.
11:28:28 AM - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
11:28:28 AM - [CallEntryPointThread] E:\WINDOWS\system32
\ewfdll.dll, ConfigureEwf
11:28:28 AM - [FBASetProgressText] Resetting Setup
11:28:29 AM - [FBADoReboot] Sleeping...
11:28:39 AM - [FBADoReboot] Rebooting system...

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