Factorial (like =FACT) function?



A factorial expression, e.g. 5! is evaluated 5*4*3*2*1.

In Excel, this can be expressed as =FACT(5)

I want to do something similar, but a little different: 5+4+3+2+1

E.g. Year to date could be results for June + May + April + March + February
+ January, where Month(TODAY) gives 06 as June and then simply recalculates
the month sensitive formulas based on each month below this number, returning
the total of all evaluations.

Ideally I'd like to manage this within a formula, without resorting to VBA.
Any ideas?


P.S. Many thanks for any attempts - regardless of whether they solve my

Chip Pearson


I'm not entirely clear on what you want to do, but you can add
the numbers between 1 and N with the array formula


where A1 contains N.

Since this is an array formula, you must press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
rather than just ENTER when you first entire the formula and
whenever you edit it later. If you do this correctly, Excel will
display the formula in curly braces {}.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC


Try this:

For a value in A1

This formula returns the sum of all numbers from 1 thru the value in A1
B1: =(A1+1)*(A1/2)

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP

Dana DeLouis

I want to do something similar:... 5+4+3+2+1

If you are summing 1 to n, then maybe:

ie 5*6/2 = 15


Not quite.

Another poorly asked question on my part!

Let's say you have a data source where one column is date. Another column
might be product. Another might be amount.

At the end of the month, you'd sum all the amounts where the product meets
certain criterea and MONTH(date entered in column) = MONTH(TODAY()).

This is how it presently works.

If I then wanted year to date, I could simply sum all cases for that year,
but let's say the data quality is not what it could be and having a series of
months that don't add up to the year to date total is a little embarrassing.

My alternative was a function that does
[the current formula or close to it]
but does this for the current month and every previous month until Month=0.

Am I clutching at straws?


Maybe something like this:

For a data list in A1:C100
Col_A contains dates and a column title in A1
Col_B contains products and a column title in B1
Col_C contains amounts and a column title in C1

This formula sums all of YTD amounts (through the current month) where the


Note: in case text wrap impacts the display, there are no spaces in that

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP

mr tom said:
Not quite.

Another poorly asked question on my part!

Let's say you have a data source where one column is date. Another column
might be product. Another might be amount.

At the end of the month, you'd sum all the amounts where the product meets
certain criterea and MONTH(date entered in column) = MONTH(TODAY()).

This is how it presently works.

If I then wanted year to date, I could simply sum all cases for that year,
but let's say the data quality is not what it could be and having a series of
months that don't add up to the year to date total is a little embarrassing.

My alternative was a function that does
[the current formula or close to it]
but does this for the current month and every previous month until Month=0.

Am I clutching at straws?

Ron Coderre said:
Try this:

For a value in A1

This formula returns the sum of all numbers from 1 thru the value in A1
B1: =(A1+1)*(A1/2)

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP


Yes - that's exactly it. I'll stick with my previous style of formula but
you're absolutely right - I deserve to be taken out and shot for not thinking
of a <=.

I've clearly overcomplicated things - your solution will work a treat.

Many thanks,


Ron Coderre said:
Maybe something like this:

For a data list in A1:C100
Col_A contains dates and a column title in A1
Col_B contains products and a column title in B1
Col_C contains amounts and a column title in C1

This formula sums all of YTD amounts (through the current month) where the


Note: in case text wrap impacts the display, there are no spaces in that

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP

mr tom said:
Not quite.

Another poorly asked question on my part!

Let's say you have a data source where one column is date. Another column
might be product. Another might be amount.

At the end of the month, you'd sum all the amounts where the product meets
certain criterea and MONTH(date entered in column) = MONTH(TODAY()).

This is how it presently works.

If I then wanted year to date, I could simply sum all cases for that year,
but let's say the data quality is not what it could be and having a series of
months that don't add up to the year to date total is a little embarrassing.

My alternative was a function that does
[the current formula or close to it]
but does this for the current month and every previous month until Month=0.

Am I clutching at straws?

Ron Coderre said:
Try this:

For a value in A1

This formula returns the sum of all numbers from 1 thru the value in A1
B1: =(A1+1)*(A1/2)

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP


A factorial expression, e.g. 5! is evaluated 5*4*3*2*1.

In Excel, this can be expressed as =FACT(5)

I want to do something similar, but a little different: 5+4+3+2+1

E.g. Year to date could be results for June + May + April + March + February
+ January, where Month(TODAY) gives 06 as June and then simply recalculates
the month sensitive formulas based on each month below this number, returning
the total of all evaluations.

Ideally I'd like to manage this within a formula, without resorting to VBA.
Any ideas?


P.S. Many thanks for any attempts - regardless of whether they solve my


Thanks for the feed back...I'm glad you got that to work for you.

BTW...this newsgroup hardly ever shoots anybody any more. <vbg>


XL2002, WinXP

mr tom said:
Yes - that's exactly it. I'll stick with my previous style of formula but
you're absolutely right - I deserve to be taken out and shot for not thinking
of a <=.

I've clearly overcomplicated things - your solution will work a treat.

Many thanks,


Ron Coderre said:
Maybe something like this:

For a data list in A1:C100
Col_A contains dates and a column title in A1
Col_B contains products and a column title in B1
Col_C contains amounts and a column title in C1

This formula sums all of YTD amounts (through the current month) where the


Note: in case text wrap impacts the display, there are no spaces in that

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP

mr tom said:
Not quite.

Another poorly asked question on my part!

Let's say you have a data source where one column is date. Another column
might be product. Another might be amount.

At the end of the month, you'd sum all the amounts where the product meets
certain criterea and MONTH(date entered in column) = MONTH(TODAY()).

This is how it presently works.

If I then wanted year to date, I could simply sum all cases for that year,
but let's say the data quality is not what it could be and having a series of
months that don't add up to the year to date total is a little embarrassing.

My alternative was a function that does
[the current formula or close to it]
but does this for the current month and every previous month until Month=0.

Am I clutching at straws?


Try this:

For a value in A1

This formula returns the sum of all numbers from 1 thru the value in A1
B1: =(A1+1)*(A1/2)

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP


A factorial expression, e.g. 5! is evaluated 5*4*3*2*1.

In Excel, this can be expressed as =FACT(5)

I want to do something similar, but a little different: 5+4+3+2+1

E.g. Year to date could be results for June + May + April + March + February
+ January, where Month(TODAY) gives 06 as June and then simply recalculates
the month sensitive formulas based on each month below this number, returning
the total of all evaluations.

Ideally I'd like to manage this within a formula, without resorting to VBA.
Any ideas?


P.S. Many thanks for any attempts - regardless of whether they solve my


Not since the last time, anyway.

Ron Coderre said:
Thanks for the feed back...I'm glad you got that to work for you.

BTW...this newsgroup hardly ever shoots anybody any more. <vbg>


XL2002, WinXP

mr tom said:
Yes - that's exactly it. I'll stick with my previous style of formula but
you're absolutely right - I deserve to be taken out and shot for not thinking
of a <=.

I've clearly overcomplicated things - your solution will work a treat.

Many thanks,


Ron Coderre said:
Maybe something like this:

For a data list in A1:C100
Col_A contains dates and a column title in A1
Col_B contains products and a column title in B1
Col_C contains amounts and a column title in C1

This formula sums all of YTD amounts (through the current month) where the


Note: in case text wrap impacts the display, there are no spaces in that

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP


Not quite.

Another poorly asked question on my part!

Let's say you have a data source where one column is date. Another column
might be product. Another might be amount.

At the end of the month, you'd sum all the amounts where the product meets
certain criterea and MONTH(date entered in column) = MONTH(TODAY()).

This is how it presently works.

If I then wanted year to date, I could simply sum all cases for that year,
but let's say the data quality is not what it could be and having a series of
months that don't add up to the year to date total is a little embarrassing.

My alternative was a function that does
[the current formula or close to it]
but does this for the current month and every previous month until Month=0.

Am I clutching at straws?


Try this:

For a value in A1

This formula returns the sum of all numbers from 1 thru the value in A1
B1: =(A1+1)*(A1/2)

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP


A factorial expression, e.g. 5! is evaluated 5*4*3*2*1.

In Excel, this can be expressed as =FACT(5)

I want to do something similar, but a little different: 5+4+3+2+1

E.g. Year to date could be results for June + May + April + March + February
+ January, where Month(TODAY) gives 06 as June and then simply recalculates
the month sensitive formulas based on each month below this number, returning
the total of all evaluations.

Ideally I'd like to manage this within a formula, without resorting to VBA.
Any ideas?


P.S. Many thanks for any attempts - regardless of whether they solve my

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