Extreme calculations


Niek Otten

Excel's precision limits (15 decimal digits) seem to cause problems.

You could try a multi-precision add-in. if you still consider that Excel.

Here's one, there may be more


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Need to calculate via Excel:
| mod(13^271;162653)
| Any thoughts????
| Thanks


You need to build your own math algoritm in strings. It is not really that
hard, just requires a little bit of time (about 2-3 hours).

The code for multiplying would look something like the code below. You'll
need to call the multiplying routine 271 times. Then write a similar divvide

Function multiply(parm1 as string, parm2 as string)

Total = ""
carry = 0
for i = 1 to len(parm1)
mychar1 = right(parm1,i)
for j = 1 to len(parm2)
mychar2 = right(parm2,i)

prod = (val(mychar1) * val(mychar2)) + carrruy
carry = int(prod/10)
remainder = prod mod 10
total = format(remainder,"text") & total
next j



You may try this

Function BigMod(base As Long, power As Long, divisor As Long) As Long

Dim i As Long

BigMod = 1
For i = 1 To power
BigMod = (BigMod * (base Mod divisor)) Mod divisor
If BigMod = 0 Then Exit For
Next i

End Function


I got the fist part done by rasing the number to a power of 271. the answer
is a string. Now you need to do the same idea for division.

Sub largemultiply()
Dim MyTotal As String

MyTotal = "13"
For i = 1 To 270
MyTotal = Multiply(MyTotal, "13")
Next i

End Sub

Function Multiply(parm1 As String, parm2 As String) As String

Multiply = ""
carry = 0
For i = 0 To (Len(parm1) - 1)
mychar1 = Mid(parm1, Len(parm1) - i, 1)
total = ""
For j = 0 To (Len(parm2) - 1)
mychar2 = Mid(parm2, Len(parm2) - j, 1)

prod = (Val(mychar1) * Val(mychar2)) + carry
carry = Int(prod / 10)
remainder = prod Mod 10
total = Trim(CStr(remainder)) & total
Next j
If Multiply = "" Then
Multiply = total
Multiply = Add(Multiply, total, i)
End If
Next i

End Function
Function Add(Multiply, total, shift)

carry = 0
If shift > 0 Then
Add = Right(Multiply, shift)
Add = ""
End If
For i = 0 To Len(total) - 1
If Len(Multiply) > (i + shift) Then
add1 = Val(Mid(Multiply, Len(Multiply) - (i + shift), 1))
add1 = 0
End If
add2 = Val(Mid(total, Len(total) - i, 1))
Sum = add1 + add2 + carry
carry = Int(Sum / 10)
bit = Sum Mod 10
Add = bit & Add
Next i
If carry <> 0 Then
Add = carry & Add
End If
End Function


Just made this function. You can use it if you are only interested in x^n
(mod M) and not x^n. The formula is a so-called recursive that calls itself
N times. The trick is to calculate the Modulus before calculating the next
step. I have no mathematical proof that is is correct (I'm not
mathematician), but I tested it on different calculations and saw no
difference from "=MOD(X^N;M)". Like feed-back if anyone thinks that the
function has any flaws.


Function ExpMod(X As Long, N As Long, M As Long) As Long
Static R As Long
If R = 0 Then R = 1
If N > 0 Then R = (R Mod M) * X * ExpMod(X, N - 1, M)
ExpMod = R Mod M
R = 1
End Function


The problem is with the precision of 13^271. Using a LONG variable is not
going to get you the precision of getting an exact modulus number. You are
only going to get about 16 decimal place accuracy.


Hi Equingular,
(see my posting below)
Seems that we got the same mathematical idea... solved i a little differntly
in programming. Just tested your function versus my function on different
scenarios. Came out with the same result. Even for the calculation posted by
OP, ie. mod(13^271;162653)=102.308.



Hi Equingular,
(see my posting below)
Seems that we got the same mathematical idea... solved i a little differntly
in programming. Just tested your function versus my function on different
scenarios. Came out with the same result. Even for the calculation posted by
OP, ie. mod(13^271;162653)=102.308.


Of course you could just subtract the logs of both sides and then take
the anti-log of the fractional part of the result. i.e.

271 log 13 - log 162653

but maybe that's too easy.



Hi Joel,
I am not calculating 13^271 at any time. Before multiplying with X I
calculate X (mod M). Since X (mod M)< M, i will never make a calculation of
R bigger than M * X. I the case given by OP R * X is 13 * 162.165 =
2.114.489. R will always be smaller than this number, hence no problem with


Jerry W. Lewis

Two additional approaches that you could consider:

The simplest approach is to download Maxima from
and use it to directly calculate mod(13^271,162653);

Or you could note that =Mod(13^5,162653) returns 45987,
so that 152516 =Mod(45987^2) is equivalent to =Mod(13^10,162653)
hence 124726 =Mod(152516^2) is equivalent to =Mod(13^20,162653)
this accelerates the process used by Equiangular's algorithm.



Or you could note that =Mod(13^5,162653) returns 45987,
so that 152516  =Mod(45987^2) is equivalent to =Mod(13^10,162653)
hence 124726  =Mod(152516^2) is equivalent to =Mod(13^20,162653)

I believe that 13^14 is the largest power of 13 that can be
represented accurately in a 64-bit floating-point number. So I would
not go any higher than that. In fact, in Excel, =MOD(13^20,162653)
returns a #NUM error.

this accelerates the process used by Equiangular's algorithm.

Since Equiangular's algorithm was written in VBA, perhaps you are
thinking of the 64-bit mantissa of the FPU. But the VBA mod operator
seems to limit operands to a 32-bit signed integer. So I believe that
13^8 is the largest power of 13 that can be used. (VBA gives an error
for anything larger than 2^31-1.)



I believe that 13^14 is the largest power of 13 that can be
represented accurately in a 64-bit floating-point number.  So I would
not go any higher than that.

Sorry. I misread your posting. You are not suggesting the use of
13^20. Instead, you are suggesting a smaller number that is
equivalent to it. Mea culpa!


I get the answer 145120 with the following code

Sub largemultiply()
Dim MyTotal As String

MyTotal = "13"
For i = 1 To 270
MyTotal = Multiply(MyTotal, "13")
Next i

Remainder = Divide(MyTotal, "162653")
End Sub

Function Multiply(parm1 As String, parm2 As String) As String

Multiply = ""
carry = 0
For i = 0 To (Len(parm1) - 1)
mychar1 = Mid(parm1, Len(parm1) - i, 1)
total = ""
For j = 0 To (Len(parm2) - 1)
mychar2 = Mid(parm2, Len(parm2) - j, 1)

prod = (Val(mychar1) * Val(mychar2)) + carry
carry = Int(prod / 10)
Remainder = prod Mod 10
total = Trim(CStr(Remainder)) & total
Next j
If Multiply = "" Then
Multiply = total
Multiply = Add(Multiply, total, i)
End If
Next i

End Function
Function Add(Multiply, total, shift)

carry = 0
If shift > 0 Then
Add = Right(Multiply, shift)
Add = ""
End If
For i = 0 To Len(total) - 1
If Len(Multiply) > (i + shift) Then
add1 = Val(Mid(Multiply, Len(Multiply) - (i + shift), 1))
add1 = 0
End If
add2 = Val(Mid(total, Len(total) - i, 1))
Sum = add1 + add2 + carry
carry = Int(Sum / 10)
bit = Sum Mod 10
Add = bit & Add
Next i
If carry <> 0 Then
Add = carry & Add
End If
End Function

Function Divide(Quotent, Divisor)
Dim Remainder As Long

NDivisor = Val(Divisor)
NewQuotent = Val(Left(Quotent, Len(Divisor)))
loops = (Len(Quotent) - Len(Divisor))
For i = 0 To loops
Remainder = NewQuotent Mod NDivisor
If i <> loops Then
Newbit = Mid(Quotent, i + Len(Divisor) + 1, 1)
NewQuotent = (Remainder * 10) + Val(Newbit)
End If
Next i
Divide = Remainder
End Function


Hi Jerry,

Your idea is so great!
Two additional approaches that you could consider:

The simplest approach is to download Maxima from
and use it to directly calculate mod(13^271,162653);

Or you could note that =Mod(13^5,162653) returns 45987,
so that 152516 =Mod(45987^2) is equivalent to =Mod(13^10,162653)
hence 124726 =Mod(152516^2) is equivalent to =Mod(13^20,162653)
this accelerates the process used by Equiangular's algorithm.


Jerry W. Lewis

The correct answer is 102308.


Joel said:
I get the answer 145120 with the following code

Sub largemultiply()
Dim MyTotal As String

MyTotal = "13"
For i = 1 To 270
MyTotal = Multiply(MyTotal, "13")
Next i

Remainder = Divide(MyTotal, "162653")
End Sub

Function Multiply(parm1 As String, parm2 As String) As String

Multiply = ""
carry = 0
For i = 0 To (Len(parm1) - 1)
mychar1 = Mid(parm1, Len(parm1) - i, 1)
total = ""
For j = 0 To (Len(parm2) - 1)
mychar2 = Mid(parm2, Len(parm2) - j, 1)

prod = (Val(mychar1) * Val(mychar2)) + carry
carry = Int(prod / 10)
Remainder = prod Mod 10
total = Trim(CStr(Remainder)) & total
Next j
If Multiply = "" Then
Multiply = total
Multiply = Add(Multiply, total, i)
End If
Next i

End Function
Function Add(Multiply, total, shift)

carry = 0
If shift > 0 Then
Add = Right(Multiply, shift)
Add = ""
End If
For i = 0 To Len(total) - 1
If Len(Multiply) > (i + shift) Then
add1 = Val(Mid(Multiply, Len(Multiply) - (i + shift), 1))
add1 = 0
End If
add2 = Val(Mid(total, Len(total) - i, 1))
Sum = add1 + add2 + carry
carry = Int(Sum / 10)
bit = Sum Mod 10
Add = bit & Add
Next i
If carry <> 0 Then
Add = carry & Add
End If
End Function

Function Divide(Quotent, Divisor)
Dim Remainder As Long

NDivisor = Val(Divisor)
NewQuotent = Val(Left(Quotent, Len(Divisor)))
loops = (Len(Quotent) - Len(Divisor))
For i = 0 To loops
Remainder = NewQuotent Mod NDivisor
If i <> loops Then
Newbit = Mid(Quotent, i + Len(Divisor) + 1, 1)
NewQuotent = (Remainder * 10) + Val(Newbit)
End If
Next i
Divide = Remainder
End Function


Hi Jerry,

I implemented the code according to your idea

Function BigMod2(base As Long, power As Long, divisor As Long) As Long

Dim temp As Long

If power = 1 Then
BigMod2 = base Mod divisor
ElseIf power Mod 2 = 0 Then ' even power
temp = BigMod2(base, power \ 2, divisor)
BigMod2 = temp * temp Mod divisor
Else ' odd power
temp = BigMod2(base, power \ 2, divisor)
BigMod2 = (((temp * temp) Mod divisor) * base) Mod divisor
End If

End Function

However, I got #VALUE! error for 13^271 mod 162653
It fails when calculating 13^33 mod 162653

as 13^16 mod 162653 = 75280
so 75280 * 75280 mod 162653 = 5667078400 mod 162653
but 5667078400 > 2^31-1

Actually my original solution also encounters such error for cases like
65535^2 mod 65536


I made a slight change and I'm getting 160899 has an answer. I had one loop
counter going once too many. Are you sure your answer is correct? I don't
see what is wrong with my method of using string to get the answer.

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