Extract the first letter of each word



Hi all, does anyone happen to know how we can extract the first letter of each word in a field to form a new abbreviation in Access? Thanks!

Graham R Seach


Public Function GetAbbrevs(sText As String) As String
Dim sTmp As String

sText = Trim(sText)

Do While InStr(1, sText, " ") > 0
sTmp = sTmp & Left(sText, 1)
sText = Mid(sText, InStr(1, sText, " ") + 1)

GetAbbrevs = sTmp & Left(sText, 1)
End Function

If you need to call this from a query, use the following syntax:
SELECT field1, field2, GetAbbrevs(field3) As somename FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Ming said:
Hi all, does anyone happen to know how we can extract the first letter of
each word in a field to form a new abbreviation in Access? Thanks!

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