extending c drive



Is it possible to mirror the c drive onto a partion on a second drive, break
the mirror, extend the partition on the second drive and then replace the
original c drive with the larger drive? Or should I start installing from
scratch on the bigger drive?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

news.microsoft.com said:
Is it possible to mirror the c drive onto a partion on a second drive, break
the mirror, extend the partition on the second drive and then replace the
original c drive with the larger drive? Or should I start installing from
scratch on the bigger drive?

How would you "extend" the partition on the second drive?

The usual process to increase the size of a partition
non-destructively involves the use of a partition
manager such as the one from Acronis.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

There are no tools native to any version of Windows that will
extend a system partition non-destructively. They all involve
deleting/recreating partitions.


Thought you could extend a partition in nt 4. While booted in the original
c: drive I should be able to extend the partition and then swap drives to
boot from the new drive. Are you suggesting that the 2000 partition manager
will do it desctructively?

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