Expression too complex?



When I run a query, which I admit is pretty complex (I didn't write it
myself) I get an error that suggests my expression is either typed
incorrectly or has too many complicated elements.
However, I don't get the error everytime I run the query. The query searches
for exams under a certain score over a given time period. If the time period
includes one particular test date (August 14th) then I get the error. I
removed the exam for that day and the query runs fine. But this exam is
formatted exactly like the others. Any ideas on how I can correct this?

George Nicholson

I find that I sometimes I get the "too complex" message if I've just edited
a query but haven't saved it. Once I save it, it runs fine.

While 'sometimes' & 'if' isn't very definitive, your situation sounds very


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