Exporting to excel



I have a public folder that my company is using a custom
form to track Referral's. I have a Macro written so that
all of the data is dumped into an excel spread sheet but I
am not sure how to sixe the cells and change the fonts.
The Macro is in outlook not in excel.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Set a Range in your code and then you can set the Range properties
such as Font, Width, Height and so on. Range also has an AutoFit
method. Use the Object Browser to look at the properties and methods
of the Range object for help on this and to see which properties and
methods are available to you.

Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Lead Author, Professional Outlook 2000 Programming, Wrox Press
Lead Author, Beginning VB 6 Application Development, Wrox Press
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