exporting folders and sub folders to access



I am trying to back up my folders and sub folders in outlook and want to use
access rather than a .pst. I can do it folder by folder but I am hoping
there is a way to do it in one move. Yes I have already copied the messages
from their current folders into one folder called "old mail" however they are
still in the same folder/subfolder format. Any input is certainly


Chrisinct said:
I am trying to back up my folders and sub folders in outlook and want to
access rather than a .pst.

May I ask why? Exporting to Access as a "backup" seems a very convoluted and
wierd way of creating a "backup" when all you need to do is make a copy of
your pst file....


Thank you for wasting my time by answering my question with a question.
Please don't answer if you don't know the answer.


Chrisinct said:
Thank you for wasting my time by answering my question with a question.
Please don't answer if you don't know the answer.

Ooooh! get you! It would help us CONSIDERABLY if we knew the reason WHY you
wish to use this convoluted and waste-of-time process AS A BACKUP......when
there are much simpler and more straight-forward methods....

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Yes I have already copied the messages
from their current folders into one folder called "old mail" however they are
still in the same folder/subfolder format.

Either the copies are all in one folder or they're in multiple folders. There's no in between. If you copied folders, you need to try again and copy items, not folders. Outlook can export only one folder at a time to Access.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Thanks for the tip... You are exactly correct. I was betting it was only one
folder at a time thanks again.


well my magical unicorn "Fred" asked me if he could go home to his planet and
I told him that the only way was to open the magical microsoft portal by
exporting all of my old mail to access and creating a rift in the space time
continuum therefore allowing him to simply walk through the portal and back
to his home on the planet outlookian. I want to do this for all the poor
children in the world. I read in an email that if I import all of my mail
into access Bill Gates will give me $100,000,000 bazillion, gagillion dollars
and no this is not a joke I heard it from a lawyer while entering my pin in
backwards in the atm to withdraw the necessary money to send to the nice man
with the Bank of Nigeria who has money that was overlooked by the government.

I am simply making copies for easier reference. So that I don't have to
connect to my work email when I am at home and need to review something. Yes
I could simply take the pst. and import it to my email at home but I CHOOSE
not to. As far as there being an "us" in this question I would say that it
wasn't hard for someone to answer.

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