exporting a dataset or dataview to a dbf file




I'm using visual studio .net 2003, creating a windowsapplication. I'm also
using a SQL server for storing and retrieving data.

Is it possible for me, using the application, to create a dbf file and store
data from a dataset or a dataview in this file? And if so how?

greatful for any help.

Best regards
Hans Årsjö

Cindy Winegarden

Hi Hans,

You can create a FoxPro DBF using standard SQL DDL.

Create Table MyTable (cField C(10), iField I, nField N(10, 2), dField D)
Insert Into MyTable (cField, iField, nField, dField) Values ("One", 1, 1.00,

You can also create a linked server in SQL Server and insert data that way.
Use the latest FoxPro and Visual FoxPro OLE DB data provider, downloadable
from http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/downloads/updates .

sp_addlinkedserver 'MyLinkedServer', 'Description', 'VfpOleDb.1',
Select * From MyLinkedServer...MyTable

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