export to text file



I need to export a spreadsheet to a text file, BUT it needs to be 'pipe' delimited. I know how to get tab, comma, space...but not (pipe) | delimited.


You can export the spreadsheet into Access and then export the Access
database using any delimiter you want. Or, you can export the data as a
tab delimited text file and then replace the tabs with pipes.

Susan said:
I need to export a spreadsheet to a text file, BUT it needs to be 'pipe'
delimited. I know how to get tab, comma, space...but not (pipe) |

Earl Kiosterud


www.tushar-mehta.com Text Write Program.

Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

Susan said:
I need to export a spreadsheet to a text file, BUT it needs to be 'pipe'
delimited. I know how to get tab, comma, space...but not (pipe) |

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