Export Outlook Body



I tried to export several Outlook messages into an Excel file. The Body
column in the Excel file is blank and other columns are filled with the
correct fields from the Outlook messages.

How do I export the message body to the Excel file? Any helps will be



Eric Fookes

We have a commercial tool called Aid4Mail that can export MS Outlook mail to
Excel. Although it doesn't store the message body in the Excel file, it does
save each email to disk. The spreadsheet contains a column that links to the
message file. When you click on it, the email opens in Internet Explorer and
looks just like it displayes in a mail client. You can even view or extract
attachments from the email by clicking on the attachment name link. You can
try Aid4Mail for free to see if it suits your needs. More information and a
download link available on the following Web site:



Thanks for the reply, Eric! I need to export the mail body to an Excel or
Acces column so I can do search to extract certain data. Will Aid4Maild do


Eric Fookes

No, the mail body does not get saved in the Excel file. Just the link
that opens the email in Internet Explorer.

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