Export email body to Access


phantom com

I receive emails from a webform with name, address, phone, etc. I want to take that information and put it into an Access file. I need the body of the email to seperate into different columns of the Access table.
I don't have any programming knowledge and i'm not really familiar with macros (everything I've been searching for online talks about macros and VBA programming).
Even if there is an inexpensive 3rd party software to do this. But I need the body of the email to break down into different columns. Thank you for any help!.
Submitted using http://www.outlookforums.com

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

I don't think there's a tool available for that. But you might look on
www.slipstick.com whether you can find anything. If not, programming it
yourself (or hiring anyone for the job) would be the only option.

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook

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Am Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:41:28 -0400 schrieb phantom com:
I receive emails from a webform with name, address, phone, etc. I want to
take that information and put it into an Access file. I need the body of the
email to seperate into different columns of the Access table.
I don't have any programming knowledge and i'm not really familiar with
macros (everything I've been searching for online talks about macros and VBA
Even if there is an inexpensive 3rd party software to do this. But I need
the body of the email to break down into different columns. Thank you for
any help!.

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